This Country Quotes

Text Quotes
There exists in this country, sadly, a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells and stows violence against its own people through vicious and violent video games (This Country Quotes)
We are different from previous generations of conservatives... We are no longer working to preserve the status quo. We are radicals, working to overturn the present power structure of this country (This Country Quotes)
Who are the militia, if they be not the people of this country...? I ask, who are the militia? They consist of now of the whole people, except a few public officers (This Country Quotes)
The unprecedented development of science and technology... so rapid that it is said that 90 per cent of the scientists which this country has ever produced are still living today (This Country Quotes)
We must work toward the elimination of all nuclear weapons, and an end to policies which cause this country to move toward the weaponization of space (This Country Quotes)
I think people are too often misinformed and, in some cases, deceived. We don’t have a full marketplace of ideas in this country that in any way reflects the broad, real range of ideas (This Country Quotes)
To think that one child would go to bed hungry somewhere in this country is heartbreaking... to know how many do is virtually incomprehensible. This is not only a problem that exists in the far reaches of the globe. It happens right here in our own backyard. Together, as concerned citizens, we must do more to make sure every child’s needs are met (This Country Quotes)
My daughter’s death will not be in vain! The young people of this country will not allow that to happen! (This Country Quotes)
You can rise above it. This country gives you opportunity if you want to take it, so don’t blame your environment. I look down on people who use their environment as a crutch (This Country Quotes)
Who says there’s an unemployment problem in this country? Just take the five percent unemployed and give them a baseball stat to follow (This Country Quotes)
Any racial reconciliation we’ve had in this country has come not out of confrontation but out of a spirit of reconciliation. If we continue to practice an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, we’ll eventually end up with a land of people who are blind and toothless (This Country Quotes)
I stand before you today heart broken, I know history and I love this country... God blessed this country and it took sacrifice because even though they were endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that’s an inheritance. And if you are not willing to fight for you inheritance, even when you leave your children, if they won’t fight for it, they don’t keep it. Mean greedy evil people will take it away (This Country Quotes)
A few years ago we colonised this place with some of our finest felons, thieves, muggers, alcoholics and prostitutes, a strain of depravity which I believe has contributed greatly to this country’s amazing vigour and enterprise (This Country Quotes)
This is the land of dreamings, a land of wide horizons and secret places. The first people, our ancestors, created this country in the culture that binds us to it (This Country Quotes)
If we really want to know who is responsible for the mess we’re in, all we have to do is look in the mirror. You and I own this country, and we are responsible for what happens to it (This Country Quotes)
I think maybe it’s too bad that our society isn’t further along and this is such a big deal. I think it’s time... that people realize that women in this country can do any job they want to do (This Country Quotes)
We need more people speaking out. This country is not overrun with rebels and free thinkers. It’s overrun with sheep and conformists (This Country Quotes)
You can’t afford to hate politics. The politics of this country is democracy. Democracy is by the people, of the people and for the people. The day people stop taking active part in the politics of this country, democracy will not survive (This Country Quotes)
... Your company... will send drugs to all the underdeveloped countries of the world, and since they do not have any standards, we will fool them all and can make a great big profit and never tell the doctors that there is a risk... You will meet the standards of the country in which you are advertising, not the... proper standard... I would think that you would not sleep at night... I do not think this country will not stand for it (This Country Quotes)
I can scarcely contemplate a greater calamity that could befall this country, than be loaded with a debt exceeding their ability ever to discharge. If this be a just remark, it is unwise and improvident to vest in the general government a power to borrow at discretion, without any limitation or restriction (This Country Quotes)
Forty years ago, after many years of successful use of thyroid therapy, leading gynecologists in this country and elsewhere were reporting thyroid had cured more menstrual disorders than all other medications combined. Unfortunately, that lesson seems to have been largely lost (This Country Quotes)
This is probably the biggest environmental disaster we have ever faced in this country. It is certainly the biggest oil spill and we are responding with the biggest environmental response (This Country Quotes)
The last thing we need to do, relating to teachers, is the key to a good education in this country is a strong teacher. I would have a minimum wage for all our teachers, $40,000 per year (This Country Quotes)
The logic behind white domination is to prepare the black man for the subservient role in this country (This Country Quotes)
Woodstock is well known because this country is so hyped on amount. It was big. Half a million people doesn’t necessarily mean something is good. It just means it’s big (This Country Quotes)
If in a country, most of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few, then this country can hardly witness harmony and stability (This Country Quotes)
This country will not be a peaceful place for us to live if we do not make it to be a peaceful place with our fists (This Country Quotes)
Political correctness gets in the way of all too many things in this country of ours, I am not a subscriber of political correctness by any means, shape or form (This Country Quotes)
I’m a child of immigrants. That is the history of this country. Immigration is good and important for our country. Legal immigration needs to really be modernized (This Country Quotes)
Our tradition in this country has not been to deny health information to interested individuals when they claim that they can handle it and are willing to pay for the cost of getting it (This Country Quotes)