This even handed Justice Commends th'ingredience of our poison'd chalice To our own lips

This even handed Justice Commends th'ingredience of our poison'd chalice To our own lips
The line "This even handed Justice Commends th'ingredience of our poison'd chalice To our own lips" is from William Shakespeare's play Macbeth. This quote is spoken by Macbeth after he has just murdered King Duncan in order to fulfill the witches' prophecy that he will become king. The quote reflects Macbeth's realization that the consequences of his actions will ultimately come back to haunt him.The phrase "even handed Justice" suggests that there is a sense of balance and fairness in the universe, and that ultimately, those who commit evil deeds will face their own punishment. The "poison'd chalice" symbolizes the consequences of Macbeth's actions, which will ultimately lead to his downfall. By saying that the poison'd chalice is being commended to his own lips, Macbeth is acknowledging that he will ultimately suffer the consequences of his own actions.
This quote is significant in the play because it highlights the theme of justice and the consequences of one's actions. Macbeth's ambition and desire for power lead him to commit heinous acts, but ultimately, he cannot escape the consequences of his actions. The quote also reflects the idea of fate and destiny, as Macbeth's actions are ultimately leading him towards his own downfall.