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This is how it feels now. Blankness. Numbness. Nothing

This is how it feels now. Blankness. Numbness. Nothing Picture Quote #1

This is how it feels now. Blankness. Numbness. Nothing

“This is how it feels now. Blankness. Numbness. Nothing.” These words resonate deeply with anyone who has experienced the sensation of being emotionally numb. Numb words are those that fail to evoke any real emotion or connection within us. They are empty, hollow, and devoid of any true meaning or impact.

When we are in a state of emotional numbness, it can feel as though we are disconnected from our own feelings and the world around us. We may go through the motions of our daily lives, but deep down, we feel nothing. It's like being trapped in a fog, unable to see or feel anything beyond the thick veil of emptiness that surrounds us.

Numb words are often used to describe the experience of depression, trauma, or other mental health issues. They are a way of expressing the profound sense of disconnection and apathy that can come with these conditions. When we are numb, we may struggle to find the right words to describe our feelings, or we may find that even the most powerful words fail to penetrate the numbness that envelops us.
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