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This World Quotes

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The first and most practical step in getting what one wants in this world is wanting it. One would think that the next step would be expressing what one wants. But it almost never is. It generally consists in wanting it still harder  (This World Quotes) It is good sometimes that the happy of this world should learn, were it only to humble their foolish pride for an instant, that there are higher, wider, and rarer joys than theirs  (This World Quotes) In studying other cultures, we learn more about ourselves and our relationship to all things in this world  (This World Quotes) I deem as heroic those who have the harder task, face it unflinchingly and live. In this world women do that  (This World Quotes) Only in this world do we laugh: in hell, it won’t be possible; and in heaven, it won’t be proper  (This World Quotes) I love women. I love all the bright and attractive people and things of this world, the flame and also the moth, the dancer and the dance  (This World Quotes) Every event in this world is the effect of some precedent cause, and also the cause of some subsequent effect  (This World Quotes) We are but a day in this world, and in that day the fashion is changed a thousand times: all seek liberty, yet all deprive themselves of it  (This World Quotes) As human beings, nobody gets out of this world free. We all have to do some suffering before we leave  (This World Quotes) I don’t normally do big movies. I’m new to this world. And I’ve always been afraid that jumping onto a big budget film, you would lose the relationships in favour of special effects  (This World Quotes) Dreams that are realized become an inspiration for new endeavor. It is in the power to make the dream good that we find the hope of this world  (This World Quotes) Death and pain dominate this world, for though many are cured, they leave still weak, still tremulous, still knowing mortality has whispered to them; have seen in the folding of white bedspreads according to rule the starched pleats of a shroud  (This World Quotes) I came into this world anxious to uncover the meaning of things, my soul desirous to be at origin of the world, and here I am an object among other objects  (This World Quotes) I’m not a single mom with two jobs, trying to get by, every day. I have much more support than most women, around this world, and I have the financial means to have a home and help with care and food  (This World Quotes) I think it’s a major epidemic in women, faking orgasms. So many women in this world feel like they are put on this planet to please men, that they have to fake, and they never worry about their own pleasure  (This World Quotes) To pry into the secrets of this world, we must make experiments. But experiment is a clumsy instrument, afflicted with a fatal determinacy which destroys causality  (This World Quotes) We are born in this world to lose as well as to gain, to have happiness as well as misery. Enrich your mind by understanding this and improve, gaining stability thereby  (This World Quotes) I glory in this world of men and women, torn with troubles, yet living on to love and laugh through it all  (This World Quotes) If we open our eyes, if we open our minds, if we open our hearts, we will find that this world is a magical place. It is magical not because it tricks us or changes unexpectedly into something else, but because it can be so vividly and brilliantly  (This World Quotes) People who feel themselves to be exiles in this world are mightily inclined to believe themselves citizens of another  (This World Quotes) As the years progressed, my spiritual evolution seemed to increase in speed. I stepped outside this world, the selves reordered. The combination, the aggregate of beings that I was, dissolved in the white light of eternity  (This World Quotes) When I dive, I dive into a different dimensional plane. I am not in this world anymore. Someone might see the body, but the spirit has left. It has gone everywhere or nowhere  (This World Quotes) I’d love to find some people to teach advanced meditation to. I’ve been looking for many years. There are a few around. Once in a while I run into another one. It’s a very limited league at this time, in this world  (This World Quotes) I show people the techniques for gaining knowledge, and this inspires them in their search for truth, freedom and happiness. I also try to show people that truth exists as much in this world as it does in any other world  (This World Quotes) Sahaja samadhi means that you have just gone back and forth so many times that there is no back and forth. All you see is enlightenment in this world and the other side. There is no other side anymore. It means that you are wakeful  (This World Quotes) In this world we see the pairs of opposites. Ultimately there are no oppositions. In the superconscious awareness there is no division  (This World Quotes) To perfect your nature means to let go of this world and place your attention fully in the plane of enlightenment  (This World Quotes) Without money, you are powerless in this world. You are totally subject to whatever happens. To be without money in the physical world is to be powerless  (This World Quotes) Timeless awareness occurs to very few in this world, to step beyond the circle of fear. The body has created a magnificent arena of fear. We have developed ways of seeing life that exclude us from seeing life  (This World Quotes) A person with power controls their life and their destiny. They have a mastery. Their moments are aware moments in this world, never wasted  (This World Quotes)
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