Thom Mayne Quotes
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Text Quotes
The multiplicity of ideas is what I’m interested in (Thom Mayne Quotes)
But I absolutely believe that architecture is a social activity that has to do with some sort of communication or places of interaction, and that to change the environment is to change behaviour. (Thom Mayne Quotes)
I’m often called an old-fashioned modernist. But the modernists had the absurd idea that architecture could heal the world. That’s impossible. And today nobody expects architects to have these grand visions any more (Thom Mayne Quotes)
I think a lot of people have the Frank Lloyd Wright model in their brains. The architect comes in with this act of creation and lays it down, and that’s it. But that’s not me (Thom Mayne Quotes)
Architecture is a negotiated art, and it’s highly political, and if you want to make buildings, there is diplomacy required. (Thom Mayne Quotes)
Art in progress. MAK has occupied a unique and valuable space as international host for discourse between the arts and architecture. (Thom Mayne Quotes)
Architecture is the story of how we see ourselves. It is the architect’s job to service everyday life. (Thom Mayne Quotes)
It’s too simplistic to advance the notion of the autonomy of art as a reason for turning away from the public. You can have autonomy and simultaneously have connections with the social and political world. (Thom Mayne Quotes)
You can’t make anything authentic by asking people what they want because they don’t know what they want. That’s what they’re looking at you for. (Thom Mayne Quotes)
I think all good architecture should challenge you, make you start asking questions. You don’t have to understand it. You may not like it. That’s OK. (Thom Mayne Quotes)
Architecture is a result of a process of asking questions and testing them and re-interrogating and changing in a repetitive way. (Thom Mayne Quotes)
Architecture is involved with the world, but at the same time it has a certain autonomy. This autonomy cannot be explained in terms of traditional logic because the most interesting parts of the work are non-verbal. They operate within the terms of the work, like any art (Thom Mayne Quotes)
The age of recalcitrance is over. The best solution is no longer just to regurgitate a 19th-century design. (Thom Mayne Quotes)
There is no modern prototype for a campus. You have to have a completely different model which has to do with transparency and exposing social connectivity and breaking down the Balkanization that happens departmentally. (Thom Mayne Quotes)
Who I am as an architect and the history of my work - that’s clear to anybody who hires me. But I come in literally with nothing in my brain about what the building will look like. (Thom Mayne Quotes)
I lived in a state of rage from 12 to 20. Until college, I was beyond an outsider. I was a voyeur of life. (Thom Mayne Quotes)
No matter what I’ve done, what I’ve tried to do, everybody says it can’t be done. And it’s continuous across the complete spectrum of the various kind of realities that you confront with your ideas. (Thom Mayne Quotes)
So I am totally aware that when I defend the autonomy of art I’m going counter to my own development. It’s more an instinctive reaction, meant to protect the private aspect of the work, the part I am most interested in and which nowadays is at risk in our culture. (Thom Mayne Quotes)
I believe that artistic activities change people. You do effect change. I see architecture as a political, social and cultural act - that is its primary role. (Thom Mayne Quotes)
New York is this cacophony - a collection of radical differences, an agreement of non sequiturs. The diversity and intensity are startling. (Thom Mayne Quotes)
Architecture is the beginning of something because it’s - if you’re not involved in first principles, if you’re not involved in the absolute, the beginning of that generative process, it’s cake decoration. (Thom Mayne Quotes)
In architecture, you arrive so late. I look at doctors, lawyers I know, and they’re all buying boats and bailing out at 62. My career is just getting started. (Thom Mayne Quotes)
The aesthetic of architecture has to be rooted in a broader idea about human activities like walking, relaxing and communicating. Architecture thinks about how these activities can be given added value (Thom Mayne Quotes)
Large-scale public projects require the agreement of large numbers of people (Thom Mayne Quotes)
But I absolutely believe that architecture is a social activity that has to do with some sort of communication or places of interaction, and that to change the environment is to change behaviour (Thom Mayne Quotes)
My buildings don’t speak in words but by means of their own spaciousness (Thom Mayne Quotes)
Descriptions of my work depress me. They make me feel pinned down (Thom Mayne Quotes)
For me the meaning of my work is much more fluid (Thom Mayne Quotes)
I’ve been such an outsider my whole life (Thom Mayne Quotes)
So at a time in which the media give the public everything it wants and desires, maybe art should adopt a much more aggressive attitude towards the public. I myself am very much inclined to take this position (Thom Mayne Quotes)
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