Thom Yorke Quotes

Text Quotes
Look at that fat kid, in the audience. You want some pie you little fatty? I strongly dislike fat kids. Security, please remove him, that fat kid, over there, by the pies (Thom Yorke Quotes)
Technology is killing us. We think it’s helping us but it’s killing us. Don’t ask me why because I don’t have the time or the attention span to complete that thought. Now let’s all hold hands and draw spider monkeys (Thom Yorke Quotes)
I’m terrible at jigsaw puzzles. Other people solve the puzzle but I just keep trying to make the pieces that don’t fit fit. I guess that’s what makes me special, I try to assemble jigsaw puzzles incorrectly (Thom Yorke Quotes)
Trying to find my flaws is like trying to find a black person at one of our concerts (Thom Yorke Quotes)
As a boy I was a hermit crab, but I soon came out of my shell. Now I am a pincer crab, and soon I will be at my full power as a deadly nuclear lobster (Thom Yorke Quotes)
Amnesiac was written to make fun of senior citizens with alzheimers. I hate them and I wish they’d die (Thom Yorke Quotes)
It’s impossible being me, I radiate a glow that makes others turn and grimace in horror as if staring into the sun (Thom Yorke Quotes)
I could not extrapolate some emotion from any song after 1997 so I bought a drum machine and popped pills. The pink ones make me funny like elephants! (Thom Yorke Quotes)
It’s a fine line between writing something with genuine emotional impact and turning into little idiots feeling sorry for ourselves and playing stadium rock (Thom Yorke Quotes)
I hate cars. They are so loud, and ugly, and full of toxic exhaust, like radiohead fans (Thom Yorke Quotes)
Our merchandised may be over priced, but I think it’s reasonable considering I only want more money (Thom Yorke Quotes)
We weren’t listening to guitar bands, we were thoroughly ashamed of being a guitar band. So we bought loads of keyboards and learned how to use them, and when we got bored we went back to guitars (Thom Yorke Quotes)
The society, is, a dishwasher, where all the water, is, dead chipmunk blood. God I’m brilliant (Thom Yorke Quotes)
Isn’t it strange how someone can be both human and divine at the same time? I am referring, of course, to myself (Thom Yorke Quotes)
I could blow bubbles. Bubbles would solve any dilemma we face. If bubbles were president there would be no war (Thom Yorke Quotes)
The only real difference between me and chocolate pudding is that I am not a black man (Thom Yorke Quotes)
When people ask me for an autograph I usually ask for a pen and then stab them with it (Thom Yorke Quotes)
People are born with certain faces, like my father was born with a face that people want to hit (Thom Yorke Quotes)
Metaphorically I am made of chairs. It’s a metaphor though. That means I am not actually made of the chairs (Thom Yorke Quotes)
I often steal sandwiches, eat them, and put the container’s back., with a signed autograph of my self in its place. It’s my way of giving back to society (Thom Yorke Quotes)
My only means of self defense is to wiggle my eye and feign being a salamander. It has saved my life but once I was partially eaten by a bald eagle who thought I was a salamander. Hence, my skills. Hence (Thom Yorke Quotes)
I stopped showering ever since I realized water causes people to drown. I cannot risk being so close to something that can murder me. Do you let killers into your house? Oh, but you let a murderer come out of your own faucet. Hypocrite (Thom Yorke Quotes)
I recently enrolled at an elementary school and they accepted me. I am finally going to get revenge on those kids that beat me up as a boy, assuming they are still attending (Thom Yorke Quotes)
There are a lot of things I cannot do, such as eat books and read chicken (Thom Yorke Quotes)
I’m even taller in person, because photographs shrink you down and steal your soul native american (Thom Yorke Quotes)
If I was made of chocolate I would melt myself in a car to ruin the interior (Thom Yorke Quotes)
If we replaced all of our guns with chicken sandwiches it would end all war immediately (Thom Yorke Quotes)
Sonic the hedgehog is a beautiful statement on capitalism. You spend your whole life collecting yellow rings and then hit one spike and lose them all. And there is a fat man who wants to kill you (Thom Yorke Quotes)
I know I’m 38 but I insist that santa claus exists and he raped my mother when I was 9 (Thom Yorke Quotes)
Sex is more than an act of pleasure, it’s the ability to be able to feel so close to a person, so connected, so comfortable that it’s almost breathtaking to the point you feel you can’t take it. And at this moment you’re a part of them (Thom Yorke Quotes)