Thomas A Kempis Quotes

Text Quotes
Love makes everything that is heavy light (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Pass no rash condemnation on other peoples words or actions (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Remember always your end, and that lost time does not return (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
All men are frail; but thou shouldst reckon none so frail as thyself (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
No man ruleth safely but he that is willingly ruled (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Learn to humble yourself, you are but earth and clay (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Know all and you will pardon all (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Sweet shall be your rest if your heart does not reproach you (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
When anger enters the mind, wisdom departs (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Constantly choose rather to want less, than to have more (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
All earthly joy begins pleasantly, but at the end it gnaws and kills (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Blessed are the simple, for they shall have much peace (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
A book has but one voice, but it does not instruct everyone alike (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
He is truly great who hath a great charity (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Out of two evils, the less is always to be chosen (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
A man of peace does more good than a very learned man (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Whoever puts his confidence in men or in any creature is very foolish (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Confidence is the illusion born of accidental success (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Set not thyself to attain much rest, but much patience (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
At the least bear patiently, if thou canst not joyfully (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Thy peace shall be in much patience (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
If you carry your cross joyfully, it will carry you (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Thou shalt rest sweetly if thy heart condemn thee not (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
If you bear the cross gladly, it will bear you (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Do not interfere when your opinion is not sought (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
No man is without his load of trouble (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
But because many endeavor to get knowledge rather than to live well, they are often deceived and reap little or no benefit from their labor (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Cling, therefore, to Jesus in life and death; trust yourself to the glory of Him who alone can help you when all others fail (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
It is better to have but little knowledge with humility and understanding, than great learning which might make you proud. For a person’s merits are not to be estimated by having many visions, or by knowledge of the bible, or by being placed in a higher position; but by being grounded in true humility, and by seeking always, purely, and entirely, the honor of God (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Do not let your peace depend on what people say of you... True peace and joy is to be found in [Jesus] alone (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)