Thomas A Kempis Quotes

Text Quotes
Love feels no burden, regards not labors, strives toward more than it attains, argues not of impossibility, since it believes that it may and can do all things (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Peace and happiness are what you covet, but these are only to be obtained by labor (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Do not let your peace depend on the hearts of men; whatever they say about you, good or bad, you are not because of it another man, for as you are, you are (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
So fixed are our spirits in slothfulness and cold indifference that we seldom overcome so much as one evil habit (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
If thou wilt receive profit, read with humility, simplicity and faith, and seek not at any time the fame of being learned (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
He is truly great that is little in himself, and that maketh no account of any height of honors (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
A life without purpose is a languid, drifting thing; Every day we ought to review our purpose, saying to ourselves: This day let me make a sound beginning, for what we have hitherto done is naught! (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
He who knows himself well is mean and abject in his own sight, and takes no delight in the vain praise of men (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
It is thy duty often times to do what thou wouldst not; thy duty too, to leave undone that thou wouldst do (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Whatsoever is done in charity, however small and of no reputation it be, bringeth forth good fruit (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Trust not to your feelings for whatever they might be now, they will quickly be changed towards some other thing (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
If thou may not continually gather thyself together, do it sometime at least once a day, morning or evening (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
God evaluates by this criterion: How much love you invest in what you do is more important than how you do. The one who loves much is actually the one who does much (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Judge yourself and beware of passing judgement on others. In judging others we expend our energy to no purpose; we are often mistaken and easily sin. But if we judge ourselves our labour is always to our profit (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
If you wish to live in peace and harmony with others, you must learn to discipline yourself in many ways (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Grant me prudently to avoid him that flatters me, and to endure patiently him that contradicts me (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
The more spiritual a man desires to be, the more bitter does this present life become to him, because he perceives better and sees more clearly the defects of human corruption (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
A sure way of retaining the grace of heaven is to disregard outward appearances, and diligently to cultivate such things as foster amendment of life and fervour of soul, rather than to cultivate those qualities that seem most popular (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Count not thyself to have found true peace, if thou hast felt no grief; nor that then all is well if thou hast no adversary; nor that this is perfect, if all things fall out according to thy desire (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
A man that is well ordered in his soul needeth little the unkind demeanor of worldly people nor yet their proud behavior (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
The humble live in continuous peace, while in the hearts of the proud are envy and frequent anger (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
He is truly great who is little in his own eyes and makes nothing of the highest (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Love is a great thing, a good above all others, which alone maketh every burden light (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Carry the cross patiently, and with perfect submission; and in the end it shall carry you (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
I have sought for happiness everywhere, but I have found it nowhere except in a little corner with a little book (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Love is a great thing, yea, a great and thorough good. By itself it makes what is heavy light; and bears evenly all that is uneven (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
It carries a burden which is no burden; it will not be kept back by anything low and mean; it desires to be free from all wordly affections, and not to be entangled by any outward prosperity, or by any adversity subdued (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
Though weary, it is not tired: though pressed it is not straightened; though alarmed, it is not confounded; but as a living flame it forces itself upwards and securely passes through all (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
It is futile to wish for a long life, and then to give so little care to living well (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)
The glory of the good is in their consciences, and not in the tongues of men (Thomas A Kempis Quotes)