Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes
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Text Quotes
The ocean moans over dead men’s bones (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
O Liberty...! is it well To leave the gates unguarded? (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
What probing deep Has ever solved the mystery of sleep (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
Night is a stealthy, evil Raven, Wrapt to the eyes in his black wings (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
The possession of gold has ruined fewer men than the lack of it (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
What is a day to an immortal soul!A breath, no more (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
A man is known by the company his mind keeps (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
What is lovely never dies, put passes into other loveliness (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
Here is woe, a self and not the mask of woe (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
What is a day to an immortal soul! A breath, no more (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
No bird has ever uttered note That was not in some first bird’s throat; Since Eden’s freshness and man’s fall No rose has been original (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
The possession of unlimited power will make a despot of almost any man. There is a possible Nero in the gentlest human creature that walks (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
Decoration Day is the most beautiful of our national holidays... The grim cannon have turned into palm branches, and the shell and shrapnel into peach blossoms (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
When friends are at your hearthside met, Sweet courtesy has done its most If you have made each guest forget That he himself is not the host (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
Gracious to all, to none subservient, Without offense he spoke the word he meant (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
I beg you come tonight and dineA welcome waits you and sound wineThe Roederer chilly to a charmAs Juno’s breasts the claret warm (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
It is the Lord’s Day, and I do believe that cheerful hearts and faces are not unpleasant in His sight (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
This one sits shivering in Fortune’s smile, taking his joy with bated, doubtful breath. This other, gnawed by hunger, all the while laughs in the teeth of Death (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
Day is a snow-white Dove of heaven That from the East glad message brings. Night is a stealthy, evil Raven, Wrapped to the eyes in his black wings (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
Books that have become classics - books that have had their day and now get more praise than perusal - always remind me of retired colonels and majors and captains who, having reached the age limit, find themselves retired on half pay. (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
It is the Lord’s Day, and I do believe that cheerful hearts and faces are not unpleasant in His sight. (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
No bird has ever uttered note That was not in some first bird’s throat; Since Eden’s freshness and man’s fall No rose has been original. (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
When friends are at your hearthside met, Sweet courtesy has done its most If you have made each guest forget That he himself is not the host. (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
Hebe’s here, May is here! The air is fresh and sunny; And the miser-bees are busy Hoarding golden honey. (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
I like to have a thing suggested rather than told in full. When every detail is given, the mind rests satisfied, and the imagination loses the desire to use its own wings. (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
How fugitive and brief is mortal life between the budding and the falling leaf (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
Turn on its noiseless hinges, delicate sleep! (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
True art selects and paraphrases, but seldom gives a verbatim translation (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
O harp of life, so speedily unstrung! (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
Good night! I have to say good night, to such a host of peerless things! (Thomas Bailey Aldrich Quotes)
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