Thomas Browne Quotes

Text Quotes
Be charitable before wealth makes you covetous (Thomas Browne Quotes)
Death is the cure for all diseases (Thomas Browne Quotes)
Art is the perfection of nature, ... nature is the art of God. (Thomas Browne Quotes)
To believe only possibilities is not faith, but mere philosophy (Thomas Browne Quotes)
Let age, not envy, draw wrinkles on thy cheeks (Thomas Browne Quotes)
Death hath a thousand doors to let out life. I shall find one (Thomas Browne Quotes)
Charity begins at home, is the voice of the world (Thomas Browne Quotes)
Where I cannot satisfy my reason, I love to humour my fancy (Thomas Browne Quotes)
Study prophecies when they are become histories (Thomas Browne Quotes)
Oblivion is not to be hired (Thomas Browne Quotes)
It is we that are blind, not fortune (Thomas Browne Quotes)
Man is a noble animal, splendid in ashes, and pompous in the grave (Thomas Browne Quotes)
Obstinacy in a bad cause is but constancy in a good (Thomas Browne Quotes)
Rough diamonds may sometimes be mistaken for worthless pebbles (Thomas Browne Quotes)
We carry within us the wonders we seek without us (Thomas Browne Quotes)
Rich with the spoils of nature (Thomas Browne Quotes)
To be nameless in worthy deeds exceeds an infamous history (Thomas Browne Quotes)
He who must needs have company, must needs have sometimes bad company (Thomas Browne Quotes)
Flattery is a juggler, and no kin unto sincerity (Thomas Browne Quotes)
He is rich who hath enough to be charitable (Thomas Browne Quotes)
Should your riches increase, let your mind keep pace with them (Thomas Browne Quotes)
All the wonders you seek are within yourself (Thomas Browne Quotes)
The vices we scoff at in others laugh at us within ourselves (Thomas Browne Quotes)
Do the devils lie? No; for then even hell could not subsist (Thomas Browne Quotes)
There is another man within me that’s angry with me (Thomas Browne Quotes)
Life is a pure flame and we live by an invisible sun within us (Thomas Browne Quotes)
There is no royal road or ready way to virtue (Thomas Browne Quotes)
Persecution is a bad and indirect way to plan religion (Thomas Browne Quotes)
Let him have the key of thy heart, who hath the lock of his own (Thomas Browne Quotes)
To be content with death may be better than to desire it (Thomas Browne Quotes)