Thomas Hardy Quotes

Text Quotes
Many... have learned that the magnitude of lives is not as to their external displacements, but as to their subjective experiences. The impressionable peasant leads a larger, fuller, more dramatic life than the pachydermatous king (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
The beauty or ugliness of a character lay not only in its achievements, but in its aims and impulses; its true history lay, not among things done, but among things willed (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
Well, what I mean is that I shouldn’t mind being a bride at a wedding, if I could be one without having a husband (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
Men thin away to insignificance and oblivion quite as often by not making the most of good spirits when they have them as by lacking good spirits when they are indispensable (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
She was of the stuff of which great men’s mothers are made. She was indispensable to high generation, hated at tea parties, feared in shops, and loved at crises (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
When women are secret they are secret indeed; and more often then not they only begin to be secret with the advent of a second lover (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
Of love it may be said, the less earthly the less demonstrative. In its absolutely indestructible form it reaches a profundity in which all exhibition of itself is painful (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
It may have been observed that there is no regular path for getting out of love as there is for getting in. Some people look upon marriage as a short cut that way, but it has been known to fail (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
Silence has sometimes a remarkable power of showing itself as the disembodied soul of feeling wandering without its carcase, and it is then more impressive than speech (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
It is rarely that the pleasures of the imagination will compensate for the pain of sleeplessness (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
That it would always be summer and autumn, and you always courting me, and always thinking as much of me as you have done through the past summertime! (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
So each had a private little sun for her soul to bask in; some dream, some affection, some hobby, or at least some remote and distant hope (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
I have felt lately, more and more, that my present way of living is bad in every respect (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
Thoroughly convinced of the impossibility of his own suit, a high resolve constrained him not to injure that of another. This is a lover’s most stoical virtue, as the lack of it is a lover’s most venial sin (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
A blaze of love and extinction, was better than a lantern glimmer of the same which should last long years (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
You could sometimes see her twelfth year in her cheeks, or her ninth sparkling from her eyes; and even her fifth would flit over the curves of her mouth now and then (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
It was then that the ecstasy and the dream began, in which emotion was the matter of the universe, and matter but an adventitious intrusion likely to hinder you from spinning where you wanted to spin (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
It was still early, and the sun’s lower limb was just free of the hill, his rays, ungenial and peering, addressed the eye rather than the touch as yet (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
Ladies know what to guard against, because they read novels that tell them of these tricks… (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
Sometimes I shrink from your knowing what I have felt for you, and sometimes I am distressed that all of it you will never know (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
O, you have torn my life all to pieces... made me be what I prayed you in pity not to make me be again! (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
He knelt and bent lower, till her breath warmed his face, and in a moment his cheek was in contact with hers. She was sleeping soundly, and upon her eyelashes there lingered tears (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
Why didn’t you tell me there was danger? Why didn’t you warn me? Ladies know what to guard against, because they read novels that tell them of these tricks; but I never had the chance of discovering in that way; and you did not help me! (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
They spoke very little of their mutual feeling; pretty phrases and warm expressions being probably unnecessary between such tried friends (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
I want to question my belief, so that what is left after I have questioned it, will be even stronger (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
... he seemed to approach the grave as an hyperbolic curve approaches a line, less directly as he got nearer, till it was doubtful if he would ever reach it at all (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
Clare had studied the curves of those lips so many times that he could reproduce them mentally with ease: and now, as they again confronted him, clothed with colour and life, they sent an aura over his flesh, a breeze through his nerves, which wellnigh produced a qualm; and actually produced, by some mysterious physiological process, a prosaic sneeze (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
That mercy towards one set of creatures was cruelty towards another sickened his sense of harmony. As you got older, and felt yourself to be at the center of your time, and not at a point in its circumference, as you had felt when you were little, you were seized with a sort of shuddering, he perceived. All around you there seemed to be something glaring, garish, rattling, and the noises and glares hit upon the little cell called your life, and shook it, and warped it (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
There are disappointments which wring us, and there are those which inflict a wound whose mark we bear to our graves. Such are so keen that no future gratification of the same desire can ever obliterate them: they become registered as a permanent loss of happiness (Thomas Hardy Quotes)
Why it was that upon this beautiful feminine tissue, sensitive as gossamer, and practically blank as snow as yet, there should have been traced such a coarse pattern as it was doomed to receive; why so often the coarse appropriates the finer thus, the wrong man the woman, the wrong women the man, many years of analytical philosophy have failed to explain to our sense of order (Thomas Hardy Quotes)