Thomas Harris Quotes

Text Quotes
I'm doing one of three things: I'm writing. I'm staring out the window. Or I'm writhing on the floor (Thomas Harris Quotes)
She didn't give a damn about some of them, but she had grown to learn that inattention can be a stratagem to avoid pain, and that it is often misread as shallowness and indifference (Thomas Harris Quotes)
It's hard to have anything isn't it? Rare to get it, hard to keep it. This is a damn slippery planet (Thomas Harris Quotes)
A census taker tried to quantify me once. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a big Amarone (Thomas Harris Quotes)
Two things to begin with. First, we go on the premise that Dr. Lecter really knows something concrete. second, we remember that Lecter looks only for the fun. Never forget fun (Thomas Harris Quotes)
The emperor counsels simplicity. First principles. Of each particular thing, ask: What is it in itself, in its own constitution? What is its causal nature? (Thomas Harris Quotes)
Will Graham, the keenest hound ever to run in Crawford's pack, was a legend at the Academy; he was also a drunk in Florida now with a face that was hard to look at, they said (Thomas Harris Quotes)
They drew the line on dogs at the hospital and wouldn't let the dog in. A fireman, instructed to drop it off at the animal shelter, took it home with him instead (Thomas Harris Quotes)
He could feed the caterpillar, he could whisper through the chrysalis; what hatched out followed its own nature and was beyond him (Thomas Harris Quotes)
We don't begin to covet with imagined things. Coveting is a very literal sin - we begin to covet with tangibles, we begin with what we see every day (Thomas Harris Quotes)
You didn't draw a freak. You drew a man with a freak on his back. Nothing wrong with you, kid (Thomas Harris Quotes)
He could see that he had too many flowers in the room, and must add more to make it come back right again. Too many flowers was too many, but way too many was just right (Thomas Harris Quotes)
Lecter is so lucid, so perceptive; he’s trained in psychiatry... and he’s a mass murderer (Thomas Harris Quotes)
Before his becoming, he would not have dared any of this. Now he realized he could do anything. Anything. Anything (Thomas Harris Quotes)
One can only see what one observes, and one observes only things which are already in the mind (Thomas Harris Quotes)
Variously weighted with lies, guns, and groceries, the three of them were a small and solemn troop (Thomas Harris Quotes)
The most stable elements, Clarice, appear in the middle of the periodic table, roughly between iron and silver. Between iron and silver. I think that is appropriate for you (Thomas Harris Quotes)
We live in a primitive time - don't we, Will? - neither savage nor wise. Half measures are the curse of it. Any rational society would either kill me or give me my books (Thomas Harris Quotes)
The intimacy of the detail - why The Silence of the Lambs is quite possibly the Thriller Writer's bible (Thomas Harris Quotes)
The very air had screams smeared on it. He flinched from the noise in this silent room (Thomas Harris Quotes)
We routinely leave our small children in day care among strangers. At the same time, in our guilt we evince paranoia about strangers and foster fear in children (Thomas Harris Quotes)
The worm that destroys you is the temptation to agree with your critics, to get their approval (Thomas Harris Quotes)
He knew that a middle-aged man can be so desperate for wisdom he may try to make some up, and how deadly that can be to a youngster who believes him (Thomas Harris Quotes)
I'm not sure you get wiser as you get older, Starling, but you do learn to dodge a certain amount of hell (Thomas Harris Quotes)
I expect most psychiatrists have a patient or two they’d like to refer to me (Thomas Harris Quotes)
One quality in a person doesn't rule out any other quality. They can exist side by side, good and terrible. Socrates said it a lot better (Thomas Harris Quotes)
... the washing machine's rhythm was like a giant heartbeat, and the rush of its waters was what the unborn hear - our last memory of peace (Thomas Harris Quotes)
Dr. Fell, do you believe a man could become so obsessed with a woman, from a single encounter? Could he daily feel a stab of hunger for her and find nourishment in the very sight of her? I think so. But would she see through the bars of his plight and ache for him? (Thomas Harris Quotes)
It would be so nice to be wanted by someone with the courage to get his hat or stay as he damn pleased, and who gave her credit for the same. Someone who didn't worry about her (Thomas Harris Quotes)