Thomas Hobbes Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s my turn, to take a leap into the darkness! (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
For it is not the shape, but their use, that makes them angels (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
For it can never be that war shall preserve life, and peace destroy it (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
The law is the public conscience (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
As soon as a thought darts, I write it down (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
The science which teacheth arts and handicrafts is merely science for the gaining of a living; but the science which teacheth deliverance from worldly existence, is not that the true science (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
Fear of power invisible, feigned by the mind or imagined from tales publicly allowed, is religion; not allowed, superstition (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
Understanding is by the flame of the passions never enlightened, but dazzled (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
For to accuse requires less eloquence, such is man’s nature, than to excuse; and condemnation, than absolution, more resembles justice (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
As a draft-animal is yoked in a wagon, even so the spirit is yoked in this body (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
The Interpretation of the Laws of Nature in a Common-wealth, dependeth not on the books of Moral Philosophy. The Authority of writers, without the Authority of the Commonwealth, maketh not their opinions Law, be they never so true (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
For seeing life is but a motion of Limbs... why may we not say, that all Automata (Engines that move themselves by springs and wheels as doth a watch) have an artificial life? (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
To speak impartially, both sayings are very true: that man to man is a kind of God; and that man to man is an arrant wolf. The first is true, if we compare citizens amongst themselves; and the second, if we compare cities (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
The condition of man... is a condition of war of everyone against everyone. (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
Man is distinguished not only by his reason, but also by this singular passion, from all other animals. (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
Immortality is a belief grounded upon other men’s sayings, that they knew it supernaturally; or that they knew those who knew them that knew others that knew it supernaturally. (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
The first author of speech was God himself, that instructed Adam how to name such creatures as He presented to his sight... (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
When a man tells me God hath spoken in a dream, I know he dreamt that God spoke to him (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
A wise man should so write (though in words understood by all men) that wise men only should be able to commend him (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
During the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that conditions called war; and such a war, as if of every man, against every man (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
Fear of things invisible in the natural seed of that which everyone in himself calleth religion (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
I put for the general inclination of all mankind, a perpetual and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
Prudence is but experience, which equal time, equally bestows on all men, in those things they equally apply themselves unto (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
Such is the nature of men, that howsoever they may acknowledge many others to be more witty, or more eloquent, or more learned; yet they will hardly believe there be many so wise as themselves (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
The disembodied spirit is immortal; there is nothing of it that can grow old or die. But the embodied spirit sees death on the horizon as soon as its day dawns (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
The right of nature. Is the liberty each man hath to use his own power, as he will himself, for the preservation of his own nature; that is to say, of his own life (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
War consisteth not in battle only, or the act of fighting; but in a tract of time, wherein the will to contend by battle is sufficiently known (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
A man cannot lay down the right of resisting them that assault him by force, to take away his life (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
A man's conscience and his judgment is the same thing; and as the judgment, so also the conscience, may be erroneous (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)
All generous minds have a horror of what are commonly called "Facts". They are the brute beasts of the intellectual domain (Thomas Hobbes Quotes)