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Thongs Quotes

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Two thongs don’t make a right  (Thongs Quotes) I love thongs. The day they were invented, sunshine broke through the clouds  (Thongs Quotes) I ordered each man to be presented with something, as strings of ten or a dozen glass beads apiece, and thongs of leather, all which they estimated highly; those which came on board I directed should be fed with molasses  (Thongs Quotes) Thongs don’t show. With jeans, you’re always going to get panty lines and I think that’s just a big mistake  (Thongs Quotes) I wore a thong and a bra and a wig. Those things hurt. I mean, thongs? Like, they dig in. It takes a tough man to be a woman  (Thongs Quotes) It does not matter what the whip is; it is none the less a whip, because you have cut thongs for it out of your own souls  (Thongs Quotes) Thongs don’t show. With jeans, you’re always going to get panty lines and I think that’s just a big mistake.  (Thongs Quotes) I have six brothers, and in the past I’ve done quite a few girlie films, like ‘Wild Child’ and ‘Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging’ - so when they’ve been to those, they’ve been incredibly embarrassed. They won’t be embarrassed going to see ‘Black Death’ - I reckon they’re going to love it.  (Thongs Quotes)