Thou art my life, my way, my light

Thou art my life, my way, my light
Francis Quarles was a 17th-century English poet known for his religious and devotional works. One of his most famous lines is "Thou art my life, my way, my light," which encapsulates the deep spiritual connection he felt with God.In this line, Quarles expresses his profound belief that God is not just a distant deity, but an integral part of his existence. God is not only the source of life, but also the guiding force that leads him on the right path. And most importantly, God is the light that illuminates his way, dispelling darkness and providing clarity in times of confusion and doubt.
For Quarles, this declaration is not just a poetic flourish, but a sincere expression of his faith and devotion. Throughout his works, he explores themes of sin, redemption, and the eternal struggle between good and evil. In the face of life's trials and tribulations, Quarles finds solace and strength in his unwavering belief in God as the ultimate source of hope and salvation.
The line "Thou art my life, my way, my light" also reflects Quarles' deep sense of gratitude and humility. He acknowledges that without God, he is nothing, lost in the darkness of his own sin and ignorance. But with God as his guiding light, he is able to navigate the complexities of life with confidence and courage.