Thoughts Quotes
Text Quotes
As long as you visualize this sphere of red energy surrounding you, negative thoughts, hostilities, anger, and aggressive feelings of other persons and situations cannot enter you (Thoughts Quotes)
When you have grown accustomed to sitting and meditating, try to stop your thoughts. That’s the bottom line in meditative practice (Thoughts Quotes)
To stop thought it’s necessary to put your life into a state of balance. Otherwise you can sit and meditate for hours and all kinds of conscious and unconscious thoughts will flow through you (Thoughts Quotes)
Everything is dependent on your ability to stop thoughts. The longer you can stop your thoughts in meditation, the faster you will evolve, the more power you will pick up and the more knowledgeable and balanced you will become (Thoughts Quotes)
In the beginning, when you are meditating, just ignore thought. Shine it on. Then after you are comfortable sitting there, try selectively eliminating negative thoughts, thoughts that agitate the mind (Thoughts Quotes)
Don’t fight with your thoughts or try to suppress them with your will. This will only frustrate you and bind you to your thoughts even more strongly (Thoughts Quotes)
Our thoughts will swim around and talk to us while we’re sitting there, make fun of us, ignore us. But if you pay attention, if you don’t look in the direction of your thoughts, you meditate (Thoughts Quotes)
We were imprinted with a value system as young children. The sensory experiences of life can trigger and stimulate a variety of associative thoughts and ideas (Thoughts Quotes)
Instead of tryig to stop thought when you meditate, focus your attention on love. Suddenly you’ll find your thoughts are slacking. Light is everywhere and suddenly there is no thought (Thoughts Quotes)
Granted you want to go beyond ideas and beyond thought, but that takes years of practice. If you must think, think good thoughts, happy thoughts, and constructive thoughts (Thoughts Quotes)
The path is focus. The power of focus is absolutely essential. To stop all thoughts, you have to have tremendous power of focus (Thoughts Quotes)
At the beginning of a meditation session your thoughts will be relatively earthbound. You will think about yourself, your world, problems, difficulties and anxieties (Thoughts Quotes)
To meditate what you need to do is free yourself from your ideas and your thoughts. All of the higher dimensional planes, the higher realities, the infinite cosmos itself is beyond thought (Thoughts Quotes)
Meditating everyday is essential. If you meditate every day and learn to control and stop your thoughts, you will become psychic (Thoughts Quotes)
Our life interferes, our mind, our thoughts. Meditating is not just a practice of asserting will and learning to control the mind, it is also developing control of one’s life and gaining wisdom (Thoughts Quotes)
In your thoughts, you need to be selective. Thoughts are powerful vehicles of attention. Only think positive thoughts about yourself and your endeavors, and think well of the endeavors of others (Thoughts Quotes)
When you are not meditating, eliminate hate, doubt, fear, anxiety, negative thoughts and emotions that limit your consciousness, that bind you to a sense of self, of ego (Thoughts Quotes)
You have to look at your own thought forms. Are you sitting around and thinking a lot of negative thoughts? These injure the subtle body. When you hate, when you are angry, you bring that energy through you (Thoughts Quotes)
When you are just thinking a lot of silly thoughts and having a lot of worries, you waste a tremendous energy and power and you put yourself into very limited states of mind. You slow down your evolutionary process (Thoughts Quotes)
Power either goes up or down. Your thoughts are the harness of power. It is necessary to think positive thoughts, not just wait for them to occur, but to introduce them (Thoughts Quotes)
This is the process of mental analysis, sifting through the selves, sifting through your thoughts, practicing mindfulness, learning to control thought (Thoughts Quotes)
Spend time all day and all night monitoring your thoughts, constantly keeping them in a high plateau. Avoid places and people that pull your energy down (Thoughts Quotes)
If we try and direct our lives with only our limited rationalistic thoughts and our sense perceptions, then our actions and our activities will not be prefect (Thoughts Quotes)
If you are just spaced out and you have no purpose in life, you pick everything up. Everybody else’s thoughts will come into your mind, everyone else’s desires (Thoughts Quotes)
There is no fanaticism in any of this. There is intensity. You have to make it happen. You have to put your will into perfecting your daily life, into monitoring your thoughts (Thoughts Quotes)
We are so absorbed in our thoughts that every thought that comes through is a reality. We have to start to detach ourselves from thought and become aware that there are things beyond thought (Thoughts Quotes)
Look at how beautiful life is, and just keep looking until you see it. You don’t see what is in front of you because you’re so distracted by your thoughts (Thoughts Quotes)
Just see beauty as you walk around through your day. Feel things. Unhook from your thoughts and all the busy things you are doing. Start to look at life. This is mindfulness (Thoughts Quotes)
Your mind is filled with thoughts and desires. Your moods shift constantly. You are not sure what it is you want, it changes from moment to moment; there is little or no continuity in your life (Thoughts Quotes)
Thoughts and ideas are not phantoms. They are real things. Although intangible and immaterial, they are factors in bringing about changes in the realm of tangible and material things (Thoughts Quotes)