Thoughts Quotes
Text Quotes
Difference of thoughts will produce difference of language. He that thinks with more extent than another, will want words of a larger meaning; he that thinks with more subtilty will seek for terms of more nice discrimination; and where is the wonder, since words are but the images of things, that he who never knew the original should not know the copies? (Thoughts Quotes)
Let your thoughts be positive for they will become your words. Let your words be positive for they will become your actions. Let your actions be positive for they will become your values. Let your values be positive for they will become your destiny (Thoughts Quotes)
Meditation is not a matter of trying to stop thinking or make your mind go blank but rather to realize when your attention is wandering and to simply let go of the thoughts and begin again. It is a way of changing our relationship to our thoughts, so we’re not so consumed by them, with no sense of space. Having a newly spacious relationship to our thoughts brings both peace and freedom (Thoughts Quotes)
Destructive thoughts and emotions undermine the very causes of peace and happiness. If you think clearly about it, it makes no sense to think you’re seeking happiness, if you do nothing to restrain angry, spiteful, and malicious thoughts and emotions (Thoughts Quotes)
He had thrown himself away, he had lost interest in everything, and life, falling in with his feelings, had demanded nothing of him. He had lived as an outsider, an idler and onlooker, well liked in his young manhood, alone in his illness and advancing years. Seized with weariness, he sat down on the wall, and the river murmured darkly in his thoughts (Thoughts Quotes)
When they first said I made it through it was just crazy, I mean all kinds of thoughts were going through my head, and you know to be watching the show for nine seasons and to be on it now is surreal, it’s so surreal (Thoughts Quotes)
I will throw all my best efforts into it, my thoughts and political observations, but ultimately I want to create a narrative that keeps you turning the pages and leaves you with a sense that this thing has a reason for being there (Thoughts Quotes)
I have never been in any country where they did not do something better than we do it, think some thoughts better than we think, catch some inspiration from heights above our own (Thoughts Quotes)
And so I put down some of the things that he said, about keeping your tools sharpened and not letting them lie on the ground where they get hurt or get abused and dirty and can’t find them. and some thoughts about how his father used to do things (Thoughts Quotes)
So, the point was to be able to have a medium that would record all the connections and all the structures and all the thoughts that paper could not. Since the computer could hold any structure in any form, this was the way to go (Thoughts Quotes)
Chance gives rise to thoughts, and chance removes them; no art can keep or acquire them. A thought has escaped me. I wanted to write it down. I write instead, that it has escaped me (Thoughts Quotes)
You don’t have to be alone with your thoughts anymore. You don’t have to process anything. You can call up someone to do something to instantly make you sort of feel better (Thoughts Quotes)
All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts (Thoughts Quotes)
Work joyfully and peacefully, knowing that right thoughts and right efforts will inevitably bring about right results (Thoughts Quotes)
That in the beginning when the world was young there were a great many thoughts but no such thing as truth. Man made the truths himself and each truth was a composite of a great many vague thoughts. All about in the world were truths and they were all beautiful (Thoughts Quotes)
Such as are your habitual thoughts, such also will be the character of your mind; for the soul is dyed by the thoughts (Thoughts Quotes)
Most of us are consumed with our own thoughts and desires and are not always thinking about what other people may want. This is not necessarily being egocentric; it is just being human (Thoughts Quotes)
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world (Thoughts Quotes)
It takes time for the absent to assume their true shape in our thoughts. After death they take on a firmer outline and then cease to change (Thoughts Quotes)
You are a woman: you must never speak what you think; your words must contradict your thoughts, but your actions may contradict your words (Thoughts Quotes)
Our thoughts are unseen hands shaping the people we meet. Whatever we truly think them to be, that’s what they’ll become for us (Thoughts Quotes)
Happy is he who has gained the wealth of divine thoughts, wretched is he whose beliefs about the gods are dark (Thoughts Quotes)
To be able to always have a super sense of who I was and my own real identity and be petty and seem informed and always thinking in thoughts would be great (Thoughts Quotes)
I had a lot of different thoughts and ideas and always to transform, but I’m trying certain things that I feel my heart is really going for and that was one of the things that I initiated a few months ago (Thoughts Quotes)
I don’t know what a painting is; who knows what sets off even the desire to paint? It might be things, thoughts, a memory, sensations, which have nothing to do directly with painting itself. They can come from anything and anywhere (Thoughts Quotes)
There are thoughts which are prayers. There are moments when, whatever the posture of the body, the soul is on its knees (Thoughts Quotes)
I keep my thoughts to myself, and I think that’s one of the best ways to be (Thoughts Quotes)
Expressing the thoughts of my comrades, I suggested, among other means, the organization of an international information service on inventories, on production, and on the needs of the various countries for raw materials (Thoughts Quotes)
Times might be tough, your head and thoughts might be spinning, but I find it’s physically impossible to do that spiral thing when your mind is focused on giving and creating opportunity (Thoughts Quotes)
Words, which are the dress of thoughts, deserve surely more care than clothes, which are only the dress of the person (Thoughts Quotes)