Thoughts Quotes

Text Quotes
Be careful of the thoughts you think, because your heart can overhear them (Thoughts Quotes)
I am lost in my thoughts, few moments later and I shall be drowning in them (Thoughts Quotes)
You have to learn how to control your thoughts and not let your worries and regrets consume you (Thoughts Quotes)
It was like I existed in a kind of parallel universe, thinking thoughts and feelings that no one else understood (Thoughts Quotes)
Life is a reflection of what you think, if your thoughts are filled with negativity, the world you see will be the same (Thoughts Quotes)
You grow your best thoughts in silence, solitude, and meditation. When you relax and think deeply, you are giving your inmost powers their best opportunity to disclose themselves (Thoughts Quotes)
Negative thoughts are like boogers, you keep picking at them until you capture it; then you’re stuck with a nasty little waste you can’t figure how to shake off (Thoughts Quotes)
Never go through life thinking you aren’t beautiful, because negative thoughts can literally be the death of you. It gets better (Thoughts Quotes)
To be successful, you’ve gotta maintain balance with your thoughts, words, and actions. Be consistent (Thoughts Quotes)
The brain that bubbles with phrases has hard work to collect its thoughts (Thoughts Quotes)
Replaying a painful memory over and over in ur head is a form of self abuse. Toxic thoughts create a toxic life. Make peace with ur past (Thoughts Quotes)
There is so much of the glare and grief of life connected with the stage that it fills me with most solemn thoughts (Thoughts Quotes)
Jealousy is inconsolable because it cannot know the beloved’s innermost thoughts (Thoughts Quotes)
Life is like making tea. Boil your ego, evaporate your thoughts, dilute your sorrows, filter your mistakes and get a taste of happiness (Thoughts Quotes)
Think positive, because thoughts are like the steering wheel that moves our life in the right direction (Thoughts Quotes)
With thoughts of the past and concerns about the future, we rob ourselves of a full experience of the present (Thoughts Quotes)
Thinking happy thoughts literally creates a positive chemical change in the brain which stimulates both positive physical and psychological benefits (Thoughts Quotes)
When we have negative thoughts, we produce toxic responses in our body that make us sick (Thoughts Quotes)
Kind hearts are the gardens, kind thoughts are the roots, kind words are the blossoms, kind deeds are the fruits (Thoughts Quotes)
Surround yourself with people who will challenge your thoughts you, and push you to be a better you (Thoughts Quotes)
The only reason why things don’t change is because we’re stuck in our old rigid mind sets. Change your thoughts and your life will change (Thoughts Quotes)
I love helping people, but when you look back and see how many times you’ve helped the same person for the same things, thoughts change (Thoughts Quotes)
When someone you greatly admire and respect appears to be thinking deep thoughts, they are probably thinking about lunch (Thoughts Quotes)
Nothing has any power over me other than that which I give it through conscious thoughts (Thoughts Quotes)
Sometimes, all we need is the knowledge that the other person keeps you in their thoughts, and that they care (Thoughts Quotes)
It is one of the vexatious mortifications of a studious man to have his thoughts disordered by a tedious visit (Thoughts Quotes)
We pass thoughts around, from mind to mind, so compulsively and with such speed that the brains of mankind often appear, functionally, to be undergoing fusion (Thoughts Quotes)
Your smile is like the sunshine and it brightens up my day. Your thoughts in my head create the sweetest melody and I can’t help but fall for you (Thoughts Quotes)
You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you (Thoughts Quotes)
Everywhere I go, there are memories of you which turn into thoughts that become tears I cry. I miss you so much and I don’t want to say goodbye (Thoughts Quotes)