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Always guarding one’s real, precious self in a cocoon of tranquility within a thousand masks. Life itself had become a secret affair  (Thousand Quotes) As they embrace, she kisses him full on the mouth. And suddenly sticks her tongue right in. She has done this before, often. It’s one of those drunken long shots which just might, at least theoretically, once in ten thousand tries, throw a relationship right out of its orbit and send it whizzing off on another. Do women ever stop trying? No. But, because they never stop, they learn to be good losers  (Thousand Quotes) For it is the dawn that has come, as it has come for a thousand centuries, never failing  (Thousand Quotes) It doesn’t matter if one man fights or ten thousand; if the one man sees he has no option but to fight, then he will fight, whether he has others on his side or not  (Thousand Quotes) One of the most significant facts about humanity may finally be that we all begin with the natural equipment to a live a thousand kinds of life but end in the end having lived only one  (Thousand Quotes) I saw the logic that they used, and the death of a thousand cuts as experimental scientists slowly chipped away at the belief that the world was an inexplicably powerful, magical place. Ultimately they failed, though. The magic never really went away. It waited, quietly, for people to return to it when they found the science wanting  (Thousand Quotes) The only writers who have any peace are the ones who don’t write. And there are some like that. They wallow in a sea of possibilities. To express a thought, you first have to limit it, and that means kill it. Every word I speak robs me of a thousand others, and every line I write means giving up another  (Thousand Quotes) Sometimes I think that if it were possible to tell a story often enough to make the hurt ease up, to make the words slide down my arms and away from me like water, I would tell that story a thousand times  (Thousand Quotes) Simple perception then is a fallacy. Besides the conscious prejudices that we are aware of imposing on the world, there are a thousand subconscious prejudices that we assume to be actuality  (Thousand Quotes) You think you know someone by looking at his face but what can one face say about the thousand thoughts behind those eyes  (Thousand Quotes) Your face encompasses the beauty of the whole earth. Your lips, as red as ripening fruit, gently part as if in pain. It is the smile of a corpse. Now the hand of death touches life. The chain is forged that links the thousand families that are dead to the thousand generations to come  (Thousand Quotes) Lord, let me write, leave me autistic and typing until my windows bust into a thousand silver doves and I know the poem is done  (Thousand Quotes) We connect through our dreams. Like we could be a thousand miles apart and I’d still know you were there  (Thousand Quotes) Say a word, say a thousand to me on the telephone and I shall choose the wrong one to cling to as though you had said it after long deliberation when only I provoked it from you, I will cling to it from among a thousand, to be provoked and hurl it back with something I mean no more than you meant that, something for you to cling to and retreat clinging to  (Thousand Quotes) My head reeled at the sheer and startling beauty, the wide, bare openness of it. The sense of space, the vastness of the sky above and on either side made my heart race, I would have travelled a thousand miles to see this. I had never imagined such a place  (Thousand Quotes) Never believe a promise from a man or woman who has no discipline. They have broken a thousand promises to themselves, and they break their promise for you  (Thousand Quotes) I push against the tree and run away, stumbling, the unreal night playing with me, gravity pulling from below, behind, above, making me fall. And I run through a world that is rotating, conscious of the earth’s spin, of our planet twirling as it careens through nothingness, of the stars spiraling above, of the uncertainty of everything, even ground, even sky. Mumtaz never calls out, although a thousand and one voices scream in my mind, sing, whisper, taunt me with madness  (Thousand Quotes) Twelve thousand miles of it, to the other side of the world. And whether they came home again or not, they would belong neither here, nor there, for they would have lived on two continents and sampled two different ways of life  (Thousand Quotes) You tie me up in knots. I want to play you a thousand different songs so you can get a clue of what... I feel inside me  (Thousand Quotes) If rulers learn to undervalue the lives of their own subjects by the custom of war, how much more do they undervalue the lives of their enemies! As they learn to hear of the loss of five hundred or a thousand of their own men, with perhaps less feeling than they would hear of the death of a favorite horse or dog, so they learn to hear of the death of thousands after thousands on the side of the enemy with joy and exultation  (Thousand Quotes) For ages happiness has been represented as a huge precious stone, impossible to find, which people seek for hopelessly. It is not so; happiness is a mosaic, composed of a thousand little stones, which separately and of themselves have little value, but which united with art form a graceful design  (Thousand Quotes) Love is indescribable and unconditional. I could tell you a thousand things that it is not, but not one that it is. Either you have it or you haven’t; there’s no proof of it  (Thousand Quotes) Everyone of a hundred thousand cities around the world had its own special sunset and it was worth going there, just once, if only to see the sun go down  (Thousand Quotes) Forty thousand years of evolution and we’ve barely even tapped the vastness of human potential  (Thousand Quotes) The miracle of man is not how far he has sunk but how magnificently he has risen. We are known among the stars by our poems, not our corpses. No creature who began as a mathematical improbability, who was selected through millions of years of unprecedented environmental hardship and change for ruggedness, ruthlessness, cunning, and adaptability, and who in the short ten thousand years of what we may call civilization has achieved such wonders as we find about us, may be regarded as a creature without promise  (Thousand Quotes) The evolution of the human race will not be accomplished in the ten thousand years of tame animals, but in the million years of wild animals, because man is, and always will be, a wild animal  (Thousand Quotes) It really puzzles me to see marijuana connected with narcotics dope and all of that stuff. It is a thousand times better than whiskey. It is an assistant and a friend  (Thousand Quotes) When a person trains once, nothing happens. When a person forces himself to do a thing a hundred or a thousand times, then he certainly has developed in more ways than physical. Is it raining? That doesn’t matter. Am I tired? That doesn’t matter either. Then willpower will be no problem  (Thousand Quotes) Ladies and gentlemen, a picture is not worth a thousand words. We found some pictures that are worth 500 billion words  (Thousand Quotes) One individual may die for an idea, but that idea will, after his death, incarnate itself in a thousand lives  (Thousand Quotes)
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