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So it persists, for many of us, hunger channeled into some internal circuitry of longing, routed this way and that, emerging in a thousand different forms. The diet form, the romance form, the addiction form, the overriding hunger for this purchase or that job, this relationship or that one. Hunger may be insatiable by nature, it may be fathomless, but our will to fill it, our often blind tenacity in the face of it, can be extraordinary  (Thousand Quotes) I used to love the way everyone talked about food as if it were one of the most important things in life. And, of course, it is. Without it we would die. Each of us eats about one thousand meals each year. It is my belief that we should try and make as many of these meals as we can truly memorable  (Thousand Quotes) No second chances in the land of a thousand dances, the valley of ten million insanities  (Thousand Quotes) Sometimes I think we’re all tightrope walkers suspended on a wire two thousand feet in the air, and so long as we never look down we’re okay, but some of us lose momentum and look down for a second and are never quite the same again: we know  (Thousand Quotes) The soul maintains it’s deathly sleep and the heart bleeds from a thousand wounds  (Thousand Quotes) Time was when all the parts of the subject were dissevered, when algebra, geometry, and arithmetic either lived apart or kept up cold relations of acquaintance confined to occasional calls upon one another; but that is now at an end; they are drawn together and are constantly becoming more and more intimately related and connected by a thousand fresh ties, and we may confidently look forward to a time when they shall form but one body with one soul  (Thousand Quotes) Don’t go outside your house to see flowers. My friend, don’t bother with that excursion. Inside your body there are flowers. One flower has a thousand petals. That will do for a place to sit. Sitting there you will have a glimpse of beauty inside the body and out of it, before gardens and after gardens  (Thousand Quotes) Always have a book at hand, in the parlor, on the table, for the family; a book of condensed thought and striking anecdote, of sound maxims and truthful apothegms. It will impress on your own mind a thousand valuable suggestions, and teach your children a thousand lessons of truth and duty. Such a book is a casket of jewels for your housebold  (Thousand Quotes) One must cook a piece of meat a thousand times before one begins to truly understand it  (Thousand Quotes) Sir, if you think that I am that kind of a man, you have missed your mark. I would rather die a thousand deaths than betray a friend or be false to duty  (Thousand Quotes) Let soldiers on manoeuvres plant trees. Give police and criminals a shovel and a thousand seedlings  (Thousand Quotes) If I were to live a thousand years, I would belong to you for all of them. If we were to live a thousand lives, I would want to make you mine in each one  (Thousand Quotes) Men ran after and ate horses for four hundred thousand years. The outcome is more than a love of horse flesh; it is a runner’s body  (Thousand Quotes) As for a picture, if it isn’t worth a thousand words, the hell with it  (Thousand Quotes) While nothing is more uncertain than a single life, nothing is more certain than the average duration of a thousand lives  (Thousand Quotes) It was 100,000 years before we figured out what to do with fire. Imagine cavemen, sitting in front of a fire, eating raw meat for 100 thousand years  (Thousand Quotes) Not only are we harried by time, we seem unable, despite a thousand generations, even to get used to it. We are always amazed at it–how fast it goes, how slowly it goes, how much of it is gone. Where, we cry, has the time gone? We aren’t adapted to it, not at home in it. If that is so, it may appear as a proof, or at least a powerful suggestion, that eternity exists and is our home  (Thousand Quotes) Women initiate most domestic violence, yet out of a thousand cases of domestic violence, maybe one is involving a man. And this has made a victim of culture out of women  (Thousand Quotes) The relentless pull of love is a thousand times harder to fight than the tides. If you’re lucky, you’ll make it out before you drown. If you’re even luckier, you’re pulled under just long enough to wash away the sorrow. If you’re really lucky, like me, you resurface just in time to find the one you love floating right beside you  (Thousand Quotes) I intend to leave this life so shattered there’s gonna have to be a thousand separate heavens for all of my flying parts  (Thousand Quotes) I know a thousand things louder than a soldier’s gun; I know the heartbeat of his mother  (Thousand Quotes) Words are not in the power of men; men are in the power of words. Every time we open our mouths, a thousand dead men speak through us  (Thousand Quotes) The art of injudicious reading, the art of miscellaneous reading which every normal man ought to cultivate, is a very fine and satisfactory art; for the best guide to books is a book itself. It clasps hands with a thousand other books  (Thousand Quotes) Even when you err, it is a thousand times better to err out of conviction than to hide your true opinion to respect some authority  (Thousand Quotes) It’s impossible to monitor every thought we have. Researchers tell us that we have about sixty thousand thoughts a day. Can you imagine how exhausted you’d feel trying to control all sixty thousand of those thoughts? Fortunately there’s an easier way and it’s our feelings. Our feelings let us know what we’re thinking  (Thousand Quotes) Don’t you know yet that men are full of words that mean nothing? The silence of a woman is a thousand times weightier. You must learn to trust silence. To load it with truth, and to wait  (Thousand Quotes) There are a hundred or perhaps a thousand other emotions, or gradations, created by the mixing, blending, and overlapping of the basic ones  (Thousand Quotes) The person you are is a thousand times more interesting than the best actor you could ever hope to be  (Thousand Quotes) The simplicity of photography lies in the fact that it is very easy to make a picture. The staggering complexity of it lies in the fact that a thousand other pictures of the same subject would have been equally easy  (Thousand Quotes) There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root  (Thousand Quotes)
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