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Thousand Quotes

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Even a nod from a person who is esteemed is of more force than a thousand arguments or studied sentences from others  (Thousand Quotes) A single spark of occasion discharges the child of passions into a thousand crackers of desire  (Thousand Quotes) Humility is also a healing virtue; it will cicatrize a thousand wounds, which pride would keep forever open  (Thousand Quotes) If you’re lucky enough to have a few hundred thousand dollars in the bank account, that should be sufficient for your own personal needs, and anything more than that you’ve got to put to good use  (Thousand Quotes) It took a couple of hundred million years to develop a thinking ape and you want a smart one in a lousy few hundred thousand?  (Thousand Quotes) The material presence of the work only serves as a conveyer launching an invitation to the observer to take part of the comprehensive game of the thousand and one emotions and visions  (Thousand Quotes) ...the ten thousand things belong to one storehouse and life and death share the same body  (Thousand Quotes) One hundred ten thousand ears in this ballpark, and he’s got to hit my ear  (Thousand Quotes) If you think it makes a difference if I have ten thousand sports cars, ten million girlfriends and lead a very flashy life... I don’t think you should work with any teacher because you don’t know what it is all about yet  (Thousand Quotes) Advanced practice is the entrance into the ten thousand states of mind. Most people exist in five or six of these states in their whole lifetime  (Thousand Quotes) The majority of the ten thousand states of mind cannot be discussed. It is rather a question of teaching a person to step outside the conceptual framework they have and transmitting blocks of awareness to an individual psychically  (Thousand Quotes) The teaching of the ten thousand states of mind, particularly as one advances further, is done through transmission. This is where we differ from teaching algebra or calculus  (Thousand Quotes) Put the mind in alignment with the ten thousand radiances of enlightenment and experience them in various gradations forever. That’s the total purpose of a monk  (Thousand Quotes) As a monk you have a responsibility to meditate many hours a day. Not just to sit there but to think of the ten thousand radiances  (Thousand Quotes) Bush senior used to say that we have more will than wallet. So he urged the country to attack poverty with a thousand points of light, none of which could be eaten  (Thousand Quotes) This world could not exist if it were not so simple. The ground has been tilled a thousand years, yet its powers remain ever the same; a little rain, a little sun, and each spring it grows green again  (Thousand Quotes) I break up through the skin of awareness a thousand times a day, as dolphins burst through seas, and dive again, and rise, and dive  (Thousand Quotes) A thousand things to be written had I time: had I power. A very little writing uses up my capacity for writing  (Thousand Quotes) When someone you love dies you pay for the sin of outliving her with a thousand piercing regrets  (Thousand Quotes) Tell a thousand people to draft a letter, let them debate every phrase, and see how long it takes and what you get  (Thousand Quotes) I was guaranteed a hundred thousand dollars a year for five years, which was big money in the early 60’s. You think, acquiring that should cool you out, but for me it wasn’t true  (Thousand Quotes) To the uneducated eye, as to the incurious mind, much of the world is in darkness, and a thousand songs are lost on the unlistening ear  (Thousand Quotes) Every sorrow suggests a thousand songs, and every song recalls a thousand sorrows, and so they are infinite in number, and all the same  (Thousand Quotes) Custom... changes the very nature of things; and what was honorable a thousand years ago, may probably be looked upon as infamous now  (Thousand Quotes) If you’re feminist, it means that you’ve noticed that male ownership of the direction of female lives has been the order of the day for a few thousand years, and it isn’t natural  (Thousand Quotes) It would seem that in history it’s never a tooth for a tooth, but a thousand, a hundred thousand for one  (Thousand Quotes) Exercise because it’s good for you even if every step weighs a thousand pounds  (Thousand Quotes) The germs of existence contained in this spot of earth, with ample food, and ample room to expand in, would fill millions of worlds in the course of a few thousand years  (Thousand Quotes) Ten thousand years of civilization shed in an instant when you put a woman behind the wheel of a car  (Thousand Quotes) It might be hard to believe, but the air in prison is different. There’s like one thousand people sucking on the one little piece of fresh air until it turns stale  (Thousand Quotes)
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