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Thousand Quotes

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His eyes were rolling in their sockets, and his face had taken on the colour and expression of a devout tomato. I could see he loved like a thousand bricks  (Thousand Quotes) It is not an ennobling experience. Poverty entails fear and stress and sometimes depression. It means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships  (Thousand Quotes) I can’t believe that I would keep, keep you from flying and I would cry a thousand more if that’s what it takes to sail you home  (Thousand Quotes) It is a callous age; we have seen so many marvels that we are ashamed to marvel more; the seven wonders of the world have become seven thousand wonders  (Thousand Quotes) The hand tools of early times are used no more. Mammoth machines have taken their place. A few thousand capitalists own them and many millions of workingmen use them  (Thousand Quotes) And the wind shall say: Here were decent godless people: Their only monument the asphalt road and a thousand lost golf balls  (Thousand Quotes) Light itself is a great corrective. A thousand wrongs and abuses that are grown in darkness disappear, like owls and bats, before the light of day  (Thousand Quotes) But I’m thinking about 12 things at once, a hundred thousand times a day. Most people do, I would imagine  (Thousand Quotes) There are no words to express the abyss between isolation and having one ally. It may be conceded to the mathematician that four is twice two. But two is not twice one; two is two thousand times one  (Thousand Quotes) I would rather a thousand times be a free soul in jail than to be a sycophant and coward in the streets  (Thousand Quotes) What do nations care about the cost of war, if by spending a few hundred millions in steel and gunpowder they can gain a thousand millions in diamonds and cocoa  (Thousand Quotes) You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic  (Thousand Quotes) I crossed a thousand leagues to come to you, and lost the best part of me along the way. Don’t tell me to leave  (Thousand Quotes) I hope that I live for a thousand years, and have a thousand daughters so that there will always be a woman who can curse your name  (Thousand Quotes) To love someone so deeply means also that it will hurt a thousand times more when he disappoints or leaves you  (Thousand Quotes) Wine drinking goes back at least six thousand years. Wine writing probably began a year or two later  (Thousand Quotes) As many arrows, loosed several ways, come to one mark... so many a thousand actions, once afoot, end in one purpose  (Thousand Quotes) The operating management, providing as it does for the care of near thirty thousand miles of railway, is far more important than that for construction in which there is comparatively little doing  (Thousand Quotes) Poverty entails fear and stress and sometimes depression. It means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships  (Thousand Quotes) A human lifespan is less than a thousand months long. You need to make some time to think how to live it  (Thousand Quotes) It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest  (Thousand Quotes) We’ve had enough of exhortations to be silent! Cry out with a hundred thousand tongues. I see that the world is rotten because of silence  (Thousand Quotes) Five thousand people in one society might do something, but five thousand societies of one member each would be a holy trouble  (Thousand Quotes) There’s no doubt that the ready availability of music online has created a thousand more opportunities than it’s destroyed  (Thousand Quotes) A thousand people will stop smoking today. Their funerals will be held sometime in the next three or four days  (Thousand Quotes) If you are in this business long enough, you hear about a thousand things that are going to kill you. Open source? Yeah, we are not dead yet. Cloud? That’s not new; it’s a new name  (Thousand Quotes) Even now; with a thousand little voyages notched in my belt. I still feel a memorial chill on casting off  (Thousand Quotes) Budgets are not merely affairs of arithmetic, but in a thousand ways go to the root of prosperity of individuals, the relation of classes and the strength of kingdoms  (Thousand Quotes) The material came bubbling up inside like a geyser or an oil gusher. It streamed up of its own accord, down my arm and out of my fountain pen in a torrent of six thousand words a day  (Thousand Quotes) For two thousand years, the Church has guided the development of music, carefully legislating to fuse artistic talent and aesthetic beauty with the demands of the Faith  (Thousand Quotes)
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