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An athlete may run ten thousand miles in order to prepare for one hundred yards. Quantity gives experience  (Thousand Quotes) He touched my heart with a thousand pleasures and broke it into million pieces  (Thousand Quotes) I didn’t fail ten thousand times. I successfully eliminated, ten thousand times, materials and combinations which wouldn’t work  (Thousand Quotes) I have learned that there is more power in a good strong hug than in a thousand meaningful words  (Thousand Quotes) I’m a simple person who hides thousand feelings behind one wide, happy smile  (Thousand Quotes) Enlightenment is the ability to freely transact within the ten thousand states of mind without a continuous self or awareness  (Thousand Quotes) If there’s a hundred reasons to quit, then sure enough there’s also a thousand reasons not to give up  (Thousand Quotes) The devil will tell a thousand truths to sell one lie that can change you forever  (Thousand Quotes) Don’t tell someone you love them and not mean it. Don’t play with someones heart and break it into thousand pieces  (Thousand Quotes) When life gives you a thousand reasons to cry, show that you have a million reasons to smile  (Thousand Quotes) The proverbial wisdom of the populace in the street, on the roads, and in the markets instructs the ear of him who studies man more fully than a thousand rules ostentatiously displayed  (Thousand Quotes) It is a thousand times more sensible to climb one foot up the mountainside than to chatter for years about the mountaintop  (Thousand Quotes) If you don’t know what to say to them, don’t. A silent hug is worth a thousand words to an unhappy heart  (Thousand Quotes) Any fact is better established by two or three good testimonies than by a thousand arguments  (Thousand Quotes) Reputation is a jewel which nothing can replace; it is ten thousand times more valuable capital than your diamonds  (Thousand Quotes) If you love someone, show it. There’s no point saying I love you thousand times if you never show it anyway  (Thousand Quotes) To invoke solely the weaker arguments and yet triumph is an art worth more than a hundred thousand drachmae  (Thousand Quotes) An audience of twenty thousand, sitting on its hands, could not have produced such an echoing silence  (Thousand Quotes) A picture might be worth a thousand words but a good sentence is worth a thousand windows  (Thousand Quotes) Ten thousand hours is equivalent to roughly three hours a day, or 20 hours a week, of practice over 10 years... No one has yet found a case in which true world-class expertise was accomplished in less time. It seems that it takes the brain this long to assimilate all that it needs to know to achieve true mastery  (Thousand Quotes) I suppose there must be idiots who dream of signing deals with publishers while fully intending to drink martinis in cool bars or ride around on skateboards. But the actual writers I know are experts in neurotic self-torture. Every page of writing is the result of a thousand tiny decisions and desperate acts of will  (Thousand Quotes) The Bible has been a bestseller for centuries. Why should I let two thousand years of publicity go to waste?  (Thousand Quotes) Global warming, you don’t win it. It’s this weird steady-state issue that’s going to be with us for a few thousand years  (Thousand Quotes) Religion is a completely different thing from the claim that the Earth is six thousand years old. That’s just crazy  (Thousand Quotes) A thousand times, when the train slowed or stopped, I thought of jumping off. I wanted to die in a ditch. I wanted to disappear. I wanted a different history and geography. In rhythm with the wheels I said I want I want I want I want I stayed on the train  (Thousand Quotes) Boston: Clear out eight hundred thousand people and preserve it as a museum piece. New York: Prison towers and modern posters for soap and whiskey. Pittsburgh: Abandon it  (Thousand Quotes) I do not, like the Fundamentalists, believe that creation stopped six thousand years ago after a week of hard work. Creation is going on all the time  (Thousand Quotes) The grand points in human nature are the same to-day they were a thousand years ago. The only variability in them is in expression, not in feature  (Thousand Quotes) One possessed a thousand and three women (in Spain alone), the other only one. But it is multiplicity that is impoverished, whilethe entire world is concentrated in a single being infinitely possessed. Tristan no longer needs the world--because he loves! While Don Juan, always loved, cannot love in return. Hence his anguish and his frenzied course  (Thousand Quotes) I read Zuleika Dobson with pleasure. It represents the Oxford that the two World Wars have destroyed with a charm that is not likely to be reproduced anywhere in the world for the next thousand years  (Thousand Quotes)
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