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Even the cleanest air, at the centre of the South Pacific or somewhere over Antarctica, has two hundred thousand assorted bits and pieces in every lungful. And this count rises to two million or more in the thick of the Serengeti migration, or over a six-lane highway during rush hour in downtown Los Angeles.  (Thousand Quotes) The most attractive habitats for synthetic sentience might be the vicinities of exceptional sources of energy - for example black holes, or even the neighbourhoods of large stars, which routinely boil off the energy of ten thousand suns. These are the destinations they may seek.  (Thousand Quotes) I swim all the time at night - I’ve always been a water girl. It’s a black-bottom pool and my pool light was out, and as I’ve done a thousand times I just kind of did a little seal dive. I saw a huge bright light and I literally thought, ‘That’s it.’  (Thousand Quotes) I have always fancied that the end of the world will be when some enormous boiler, heated to three thousand millions of atmospheric pressure, shall explode and blow up the globe. ... They [the Americans] are great boilermakers.  (Thousand Quotes) I grew up in an upper-middle-class town with a population around 12,000. My high school held around a thousand kids. All smart. We had a strict dress code. If you wore blue jeans to school, they sent you home.  (Thousand Quotes) When food prices surge, poor families suddenly find themselves unable to afford enough nutritious food. If this happens during the first thousand days of a child’s life, the damage to his or her body and mind can be permanent.  (Thousand Quotes) One old lady who wants her head lifted wouldn’t be so bad, but you multiply her two hundred and fifty thousand times and what you get is a book club.  (Thousand Quotes) As a writer, you’re making a pact with the reader; you’re saying, ‘Look, I know and you know that if this book was really a murder investigation, it would be a thousand pages long and would be very dull, and you would be very unhappy with the ending.’  (Thousand Quotes) The book [ One Thousand Gifts] took just over a year to write, on the fringe hours, early and late, around home educating 6 kids and farming and blogging.  (Thousand Quotes) A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.  (Thousand Quotes) I was writing the Paraguay book, a Paragauyan told me that only five thousand people in Paraguay read.  (Thousand Quotes) In certain states, if a woman makes $12,000 a year, and lives with her quarter-of-a million dollar boyfriend and they don’t get married, as long as they don’t get married, she gets maybe 20 or 30 thousand dollars in pre-tax benefits in terms of food stamps, health care and housing allowance.  (Thousand Quotes) A man can’t turn tail and run just because a little personal risk is involved. What did Shakespeare say? ‘Cowards die a thousand deaths, the brave man... only 500?’  (Thousand Quotes) Don’t give up.I know you’ve made a thousand attempts to reach your goal, but look at it this way: after repeatedly banging your head against the wall, you ought to be numb enough break through this time.  (Thousand Quotes) Grown-ups and children are not readily encouraged to unearth the power of words. Adults are repeatedly assured a picture is worth a thousand of them, while the playground response to almost any verbal taunt is ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.’ I don’t beg so much as command to differ.  (Thousand Quotes) A short story is the ultimate close-up magic trick -- a couple of thousand words to take you around the universe or break your heart.  (Thousand Quotes) Aurora hail, and all the thousand dies, Which deck thy progress through the vaulted skies: The morn awakes, and wide extends her rays, On ev’ry leaf the gentle zephyr plays; Harmonious lays the feather’d race resume, Dart the bright eye, and shake the painted plume.  (Thousand Quotes) When I read that the British army had landed thirty-two thousand troops - and I had realized, not very long before, that Philadelphia only had thirty thousand people in it - it practically lifted me out of my chair.  (Thousand Quotes) Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, ‘This was their finest hour.’  (Thousand Quotes) If I sing you broke my heart, you left me flat, everyone knows exactly what that means - they know the story. But if I sing a line that’s plaintive or wailing, people can experience their own set of emotions and their own story. Each of us might give that phrase a different meaning. It’s open to interpretation, and one song becomes a thousand songs. I love that.  (Thousand Quotes) It’s the same old story you’ve heard a thousand times. Somebody’s trust gets broken. Somebody’s left behind.  (Thousand Quotes) Wanted, wanted: Dolores Haze.Hair: brown. Lips: scarletAge: five thousand three hundred days.  (Thousand Quotes) As the martial artist and actor Bruce Lee said, I fear not the man who has practiced ten thousand kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick ten thousand times.  (Thousand Quotes) Tisch has a great film program and a great acting program, but they are segregated; you don’t really intertwine. My peers knew I liked acting, so they’d be like, ‘Go get that guy Gubler. He’ll be in your student film.’ I was in the same building. I became their go-to guy. So I left NYU having been in probably one thousand short films.  (Thousand Quotes) We’re becoming a planet of a thousand new major cities. The economy of the 21st century is a city-building economy. It’s within our power to make it a carbon zero one, too; and to be blunt, civilization depends on our success.  (Thousand Quotes) When we took over the economy, we were losing 800 thousand jobs a month under the [George W.] Bush administration.  (Thousand Quotes) The marketplace for books when I entered the business shortly after World War II consisted of a thousand or so well stocked independent booksellers in major towns and cities supplemented by thousands of smaller shops that carried limited stocks of mostly current titles along with greeting cards, toys and so on.  (Thousand Quotes) I would love to learn archery. Unfortunately I’m too busy writing and drawing ten thousand comics a month. Maybe one day!  (Thousand Quotes) Making a million dollars is the simplest thing in the world. Just find a product that sells for $2,000 and that you can buy at a cost of $1,000, and sell a thousand of them.  (Thousand Quotes) Forget the fountain of youth, pal of mine. You can live to be a thousand, and it won’t matter. Mediocrities like you deserve immortality.  (Thousand Quotes)
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