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As you get older, things conk out. It’s a bit like a car. As long as it’s something the mechanics can fix, you can chug on for a few more thousand miles.  (Thousand Quotes) Who cares for your bhakti and mukti? Who cares what your scriptures say? I will go into a thousand hells cheerfully if I can rouse my countrymen, immersed in tamas, to stand on their own feet and be men inspired with the spirit of karma-yoga. I am a follower only of he or she who serves and helps others without caring for his own bhakti and mukti!  (Thousand Quotes) Unions can play a valuable role in large organisations where it is difficult to talk to a thousand people. They can negotiate annual pay awards with management, represent grievance cases, and explain and advise on complicated changes in employment or pension law.  (Thousand Quotes) This was one of the casualties of war, that trust itself seemed to die a thousand deaths  (Thousand Quotes) One word from Chairman Mao is worth ten thousand from others. His every statement is truth. We must carry out those we that understand as well as those we don’t.  (Thousand Quotes) I love clothes and do sort of change my wardrobe a lot. But a thousand dollar jacket? I’d rather spend it on an experience, like traveling.  (Thousand Quotes) Give a lecture to a thousand people.One walks out and says,I’m going to change my life. Another one walks out with a yawn and says,I’ve heard all this before.Why is that? Why wouldn’t both be affected the same way?Another mystery.  (Thousand Quotes) God is a freaking character, with enough foibles, tantrums, and paradoxical behaviors to supply a thousand screenplays. But who do you cast?  (Thousand Quotes) If I’m doing an event, if it’s a charity event, where it’s a walk-around event, where I gotta put a thousand small plates out in the course of a four-hour event, I gotta make sure I can do something that I know I can produce, that’s going to be consistent and good all night long.  (Thousand Quotes) My argument is simple, which is, that for several thousand years in Western civilization, marriage has been the union of one man and one woman. Research is overwhelming that children need mothers and fathers.  (Thousand Quotes) China, with her five thousand years of history, her vast territory and her enormous population stands like a mountain peak among the nations of the world. Her contribution to the civilization of mankind is imperishable. She has been a keen lover of peace; she has had a deep respect for international justice.  (Thousand Quotes) Chinese proverb says that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This journey had begun with the coercion of my body, with my own wild hope.  (Thousand Quotes) Though Christ a thousand times in Bethlehem be born, If he’s not born in thee thy soul is still forlorn.  (Thousand Quotes) Christ could be born a thousand times in Galilee - but all in vain until He is born in me  (Thousand Quotes) We had a Judeo-Christian ethic hanging around a couple thousand years that didn’t help erase racism at all. So the notion of the little half-hour comedy changing things is something I think is silly.  (Thousand Quotes) Unless you have made a complete surrender and are doing his will it will avail you nothing if you’ve reformed a thousand times and have your name on fifty church records.  (Thousand Quotes) I’ve always liked street lights, and I’ve always photographed them. I probably have a collection of two to three thousand photographs of them, just around the city, mainly at night.  (Thousand Quotes) In 1999, I was in St. Louis with Martin Luther King III as we led protests against the state’s failure to hire minority contractors for highway construction projects. We went at dawn on a summer day with over a thousand people and performed acts of civil disobedience.  (Thousand Quotes) While I have no empirical evidence to back this up, I bet that the number of homosexual people per thousand has not fluctuated all that much over the centuries. I do not believe the dented wisdom my father used to extol, that homosexuality was a sure sign of a civilization in decline.  (Thousand Quotes) Leaders set a very clear path every day, in a thousand different ways, of what the people must attend to, inhibit, and keep it current in front of them.  (Thousand Quotes) Just keep clear mind, go straight ahead, try, try, try for ten thousand years  (Thousand Quotes) It is a thousand times more sensible to climb one foot up the mountainside than to chatter for years about the mountaintop.  (Thousand Quotes) I am an old-fashioned preacher of the old-time religion, that has warmed this cold world’s heart for two thousand years.  (Thousand Quotes) This city had been a city for two thousand years, and I could feel that with every step I took. bits of all that time were still here, alive, even if it was just in the form of collective memory.  (Thousand Quotes) Do you think we care about the feelings of Native Americans when we celebrate Columbus Day? That’s the day that the white man discovered a land where Indians had been living for a few thousand years.  (Thousand Quotes) I have know a thousand scamps; but I never met one who considered himself so. Self-knowledge isn’t so common.  (Thousand Quotes) Tom Paine was a great American visionary. His book, Common Sense, sold a couple of hundred thousand copies in a population of four or five million. That means it was a best seller for years. People were thoughtful then. Hope is one thing. But you need to have hope with thought.  (Thousand Quotes) No one who set out to design a form of communication would ever end up with anything like English, Mandarin, or any of the more than six thousand languages spoken today.  (Thousand Quotes) I don’t have the relationship that I thought I did with my fans. Maybe I did early on when I had a couple thousand fans, but it’s not like us anymore. It’s the idea of Notch and the ‘Minecraft’ community.  (Thousand Quotes) When you write a two thousand page history of the Second World War, the deportations and the concentration camps will take up five pages, and the gas chambers perhaps 20 lines.  (Thousand Quotes)
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