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Within you there are thousands of rings of luminosity, bands, and each one is a universe of perception. In the average person’s lifetime, they might just open up two or three, maybe four of those bands  (Thousands Quotes) I’ve been able to perform in front of thousands of people on stage in a character that’s nothing like me. I’m very shy  (Thousands Quotes) We humans usually feel that we are the best at everything we do, that we can safely drive ourselves. But tens of thousands of people die every year. We need to be open to having technology assist us, to find ways in which technology makes us safer  (Thousands Quotes) All of the energy of existence is going to flow through you. You will be in thousands of planes of consciousness at once or beyond in nirvana or having a sandwich with a friend  (Thousands Quotes) You have thousands of selves inside you. Meditation is a process of peeling back the layers of the self. We start with peeling back the personality from this lifetime  (Thousands Quotes) You are on a vast wheel of birth and death. You have been through thousands of lifetimes, thousands yet to come  (Thousands Quotes) The kundalini energy enables us to do things that would not happen otherwise, to apply an occult pressure, to use energy to create effects perhaps thousands of miles away  (Thousands Quotes) When you see someone’s aura, it is an outer reflection of the subtle physical body. It is about the same shape as the physical body, although it can become thousands of things  (Thousands Quotes) There are thousands of lesser chakras. Chakras are doorways to other worlds. When you focus on them, you step into something else  (Thousands Quotes) When your mind is clear and your third eye is open, you can see and know things that are taking place thousands of miles away from you  (Thousands Quotes) I don’t know what kind of courage it took thousands of years ago, but I know how courageous women need to be today  (Thousands Quotes) Once you get on stage, everything is right. I feel the most beautiful, complete, fulfilled. I think that’s why, in the case of noncompromising career women, parts of our personal lives don’t work out. One person can’t give you the feeling that thousands of people give you  (Thousands Quotes) You have to have talent to design and to dress thousands of women or millions of women around the world. And you know very well, the only thing they want is to look more beautiful  (Thousands Quotes) On the surface it seems that the present moment is only one of many, many moments. Each day of your life appears to consist of thousands of moments where different things happen. Yet if you look more deeply, is there not only one moment, ever? Is life ever not this moment? This one moment, now, is the only thing you can never escape from. The one constant factor in your life. No matter what happens. No matter how much your life changes. One thing is certain. Its always now. Since there is no escape from the now, why not welcome it, become friendly with it  (Thousands Quotes) I’ve done thousands of interviews in my life, and it’s a format that I quite enjoy, because I think of questions in interviews as an opportunity to sort of gauge my growth in a way. It gives me an idea of how I’m navigating this world that I’m in  (Thousands Quotes) It is still your work or role that finally gives you your definition in our society, and the thousands upon thousands of people who I believe are like me are those who have never found the professional skin to fit the riot in their souls  (Thousands Quotes) We pass through hundreds, thousands, perhaps millions of existences. In each lifetime, we’re exploring another part of our own self, which is eternity  (Thousands Quotes) Reincarnation is the evolution of spirit through matter. Over thousands and millions of lifetimes, the soul evolves. It comes into the light. The growth is slow  (Thousands Quotes) And if you have a law that isn’t working, and you have thousands and thousands and millions of people, then the terrorists hide among them. And we have to have a law that makes sense  (Thousands Quotes) Goods are displayed by thousands of shopkeepers with a sense of beauty that finds no other outlet  (Thousands Quotes) I can’t help thousands, I can help only the one who stands before me  (Thousands Quotes) Success, which is something so simple in the end, is made up of thousands of things, we never fully know what  (Thousands Quotes) Shouldn’t it give us pause that the oldest works of art are as impressive today in their beauty and spontaneity as they were many thousands of years ago?  (Thousands Quotes) Don’t ever call me a bottler on the radio with thousands of people listening  (Thousands Quotes) As painters...we must always remember that our precious poetic visions and spiritual insights will remain forever locked within us until we can boil them down to a complex arrangement of a few hundred or possibly even thousands of brushstrokes  (Thousands Quotes) In the name of religion many great and fine deeds have been performed. In the name of religion also, thousands and millions have been killed, and every possible crime has been committed  (Thousands Quotes) It is not special to be enlightened, just different. An enlightened person is someone who has dedicated not just this lifetime but thousands of lifetimes to becoming awareness  (Thousands Quotes) If you become very close to your teacher, if you do well in your meditation, a deep emotional bond will develop between both of you over a period of time. You can be thousands of miles away from your teacher and find that induction is always taking place. That’s the ideal  (Thousands Quotes) The teacher will be moving through thousands of states of mind and sometimes beyond mind. While you are with the teacher, be sensitive to that. Without being flaky and devotional, develop respect for the teacher, just as the teacher respects you  (Thousands Quotes) Up until now, women have depended completely upon men for their survival. You’re dealing with thousands of years of history, where sexual slavery was the condition. While suddenly the laws may change, to some extent, the conditioning doesn’t go away that fast  (Thousands Quotes)
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