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Women have developed the second attention because they were repressed, because they were manipulated, because they were used as property, as chattel, historically, for thousands of years and still today  (Thousands Quotes) One way to develop faith and confidence is simply to practice using it. If I were to ask you whether you’re confident that you can tie your own shoes, I’m sure you could tell me with perfect confidence that you can. Why? Only because you’ve done it thousands of times! So practice confidence by using it consistently, and you’ll be amazed at the dividends it reaps in every area of your life  (Thousands Quotes) One must not count in thousands, like the propagandist belonging to a small group that has not yet given leadership to the masses; in these circumstances one must count in millions and tens of millions  (Thousands Quotes) Crist noted that his office has received multiple fraud complaints in which potential buyers said they lost thousands of dollars. I don’t know if we’ve seen anything of this exact nature before,.. We won’t tolerate it  (Thousands Quotes) Leaders do what ought to be done whether their deeds are known by thousands or known by no one  (Thousands Quotes) Men are men and women are women. We’ve tried for tens of thousands of years to lay down hard and fast lines for the sexes to walk upon, and we’ve failed miserably  (Thousands Quotes) At the same time, on the networks, there are thousands of groups that are building lifestreams, or lifestreaming for themselves in their own way. We’d love to see this activity  (Thousands Quotes) I’m the most underrated, most hated, greatest of all time. I constantly have people who quit their jobs just to go on the internet and try to stop me at any and all costs. People flag my videos thousands of times  (Thousands Quotes) The probability of ten consecutive heads is 0.1 percent; thus, when you have millions of coin tossers, or investors, in the end there will be thousands of very successful practitioners of coin tossing, or stock picking  (Thousands Quotes) To live in a great idea means to treat the impossible as though it were possible. It is just the same with a strong character; and when an idea and a character meet, things arise which fill the world with wonder for thousands of years  (Thousands Quotes) My mother made it seem perfectly normal for thousands of people to be cheering me, as if there was nothing special going on. I thought all children must live as I did  (Thousands Quotes) When I was a boy in the 1930s, the carbon dioxide level was still below 300 parts per million. This year, it reached 382, the highest figure for hundreds of thousands of years  (Thousands Quotes) I love all those girls the same as they love me. I get thousands of letters a week from girls who love me... Every time I sing a song, I make love to them. I’m a boudoir singer  (Thousands Quotes) So, in effect, what I’m saying is that my research is very strongly pointing to the fact that the extraterrestrials are not coming, they’re not going to invade, they’ve actually been controlling this planet, increasingly, for thousands of years  (Thousands Quotes) When people love each other, when they find each other out of thousands and millions of people. It’s always destiny  (Thousands Quotes) I am a liberated teacher. A person who meditates with me, even though they may be thousands of miles away, will draw that light into them  (Thousands Quotes) In advanced meditation there are methods and formations of joining the mind with the various aggregate aspects of the universe, fusing it, dissolving it, sometimes thousands of times in a microsecond or outside of time  (Thousands Quotes) Etiquette is an intelligent way to live. There are certain ways of living you will learn being around advanced students and mostly your teacher. These are methods that have been handed down for thousands of years  (Thousands Quotes) It is astonishing to realise that the human species survived hundreds of thousands of years, more than 99 percent of its time on this planet, with a life expectancy of only eighteen years  (Thousands Quotes) Broken heart. A pump after all, pumping thousands of gallons of blood every day. One fine day it gets bunged up and there you are... Old rusty pumps: damn the thing else. The resurrection and the life. Once you are dead you are dead  (Thousands Quotes) There are thousands of worlds, thousands of dimensional planes, billions. Life is endless. It goes on forever  (Thousands Quotes) Even today the most jaded city dweller can be unexpectedly moved upon encountering a clear night sky studded with thousands of twinkling stars. When it happens to me after all these years it still takes my breath away  (Thousands Quotes) If in madness of delusion, anyone shall lift his parricidal hand against this blessed union, the arms of thousands will be raised to save it, and the curse of millions will fall upon the head which may have plotted its destruction  (Thousands Quotes) While women were tortured, drowned and burned by the thousands, scarce one wizard to a hundred was ever condemned... The same distinction of sex appears in our own day. One code of morals for men, another for women  (Thousands Quotes) I think happiness is overrated, but joy is the key to the thousands of possible moods we can feel. And when we can rest in that joy, then peace is the moment of openness that holds all feeling  (Thousands Quotes) Children are forced to live very rapidly in order to live at all. They are given only a few years in which to learn hundreds of thousands of things about life and the planet and themselves  (Thousands Quotes) Why take chances? It may be nonsense, but does anybody really know? And people have certainly been fascinated by astrology for thousands of years  (Thousands Quotes) Cats are the slipperiest of domestic animals. Thousands of years of genetic coding has taught them to melt into azaleas, lie motionless behind garden gnomes, glide along fence tops, and slink under benches  (Thousands Quotes) Nobody ever told you that being a mother is all about making what seemed like thousands of tiny decisions  (Thousands Quotes) The tracing of a child’s lineage and its name with reference to the father, though it has lasted for many thousands of years, has not become any the more natural or reasonable as a result  (Thousands Quotes)
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