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It’s so nice to share a day as beautiful as this one with hundreds of thousands of reckless drivers.  (Thousands Quotes) We only have one desire, which wants to manifest in thousands of ways,like a flower who blooms in billions of shadesto express her only one desire...to be beautiful  (Thousands Quotes) Words can travel thousands of miles. May my words create mutual understanding and love. May they be as beautiful as gems, as lovely as flowers.  (Thousands Quotes) I’ve been cheered by thousands, booed by thousands, but nothing feels as bad as the booing inside your own head during those ten minutes before you fall asleep.  (Thousands Quotes) Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity  (Thousands Quotes) Our waterboarding program is based on the U.S. military training program... tens of thousands of U.S. servicemen were waterboarded pursuant to this program to prepare them for the possibility of being captured someday so that they would know what it felt like.  (Thousands Quotes) The complicated, ambiguous milieu of human contact is being replaced with simple, scalable equations. We maintain thousands more friends than any human being in history, but at the cost of complexity and depth. Every minute spent online is a minute of face-to-face time lost.  (Thousands Quotes) Disparity is Australia’s worst social problem. Thousands of lives are slowly being crushed, while billions are wasted on thousands of little initiatives trying to ‘close the gap.’  (Thousands Quotes) For thousands of years, there have been lies about being gay or not being gay. If you know they’re lies, you’re free.  (Thousands Quotes) You can’t have thousands of people being shot in a city, in a country that I happen to be president of. Maybe it’s OK if somebody else is president.  (Thousands Quotes) People will believe thousands of different lies in succession rather than confront a single scintilla of truth.  (Thousands Quotes) I could make thousands of dollars in Broadway musicals, but among the best experiences I had was doing ‘Hamlet’ in Milwaukee and a version of ‘Cyrano’ that my wife wrote for me on a bus-and-truck tour.  (Thousands Quotes) People down on their luck deserve the best: beautiful surroundings and well-paid professional staff to help them out of their difficulties. Why not train thousands more social workers and let them sit in on claimants’ interviews?  (Thousands Quotes) Cruise Critic’s community of cruisers is the largest in the world, so to be named to this list is truly an honor, of the thousands of reviews we received in 2014, these ships represent the best-of-the-best, qualified by travelers who have sailed firsthand and shared their experiences once they returned.  (Thousands Quotes) When business became big business - conglomerates employing hundreds and even thousands of people - companies divided themselves into still smaller units.  (Thousands Quotes) Tens of thousands of men and women with kids to raise, bills to pay, and dreams that won’t die. This is your campaign.  (Thousands Quotes) For every runner who tours the world running marathons, there are thousands who run to hear the leaves and listen to the rain, and look to the day when it is suddenly as easy as a bird in flight.  (Thousands Quotes) There are tens of thousands of charities and hundreds of thousands, getting towards millions, of people now using it. And when I flip through it, I’m just blown away by people.  (Thousands Quotes) Right now, in every big city ghetto, tens of thousands of yesterday’s and today’s school dropouts are keeping body and soul together by some form of hustling in the same way I did.  (Thousands Quotes) I’ll take transformational change any way it comes. One way to look at meditation is as a kind of intrapsychic technology that’s been developed over thousands of years by traditions that know a lot about the mind/body connection. To call what happens ‘the placebo effect’ is just to give a name to something we don’t understand.  (Thousands Quotes) There are many thousands of books on particular assassinations and on the subject in general, but nearly all of them deal with the victims, not the perpetrators.  (Thousands Quotes) The industrial way we fish for seafood is harming the marine habitats that all ocean life depends upon. Indiscriminate commercial fishing practices that include miles of driftnets, long lines with thousands of lethal hooks and bottom trawls are ruining ocean ecosystems by killing non-seafood species, including sea turtles and marine mammals.  (Thousands Quotes) Today, I see thousands of Mahatma Gandhis, Martin Luther Kings, and Nelson Mandelas marching forward and calling on us. The boys and girls have joined. I have joined in. We ask you to join, too.  (Thousands Quotes) There are several patients - there are thousands of patients, tens of thousands of patients, that carry either a stimulator in the brain or in the periphery, in the inner ear, to restore neurological functions or to control diseases like Parkinson’s disease.  (Thousands Quotes) Literally thousands of lawsuits have been filed against the NFL by retired players, many of whom say that information on brain injury in football was withheld from them.  (Thousands Quotes) Brave men do not gather by thousands to torture and murder a single individual, so gagged and bound he cannot make even feeble resistance or defense.  (Thousands Quotes) There is no greater feeling in business than building a product which impacts people’s lives in a profound way. When we look around at the thousands of people who have attended Summit gatherings, it makes us smile to see the new friendships, business partnerships and philanthropic initiatives that each event produces.  (Thousands Quotes) People have been doing this for hundreds of thousands of years: using whatever is available to build shelter. If you ponder what could be used, then building materials are everywhere.  (Thousands Quotes) Donald Trump has built a business through hard times and through good times. He’s brought an extraordinary business acumen, he’s employed tens of thousands of people in America.  (Thousands Quotes) The marketplace for books when I entered the business shortly after World War II consisted of a thousand or so well stocked independent booksellers in major towns and cities supplemented by thousands of smaller shops that carried limited stocks of mostly current titles along with greeting cards, toys and so on.  (Thousands Quotes)
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