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Threads Quotes

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Invisible threads are the strongest ties  (Threads Quotes) Love weaves itself from hundreds of threads  (Threads Quotes) On what slender threads do life and fortune hang  (Threads Quotes) Twin threads ran through her: fear and excitement  (Threads Quotes) Living threads more numerous than stars frame the universe of my mind  (Threads Quotes) The tapestry of history is woven of many threads  (Threads Quotes) It is sweet to feel by what finespun threads our affections are drawn together  (Threads Quotes) It is sweet to feel by what fine spun threads our affections are drawn together  (Threads Quotes) Hypotheses pinned me down, as Gulliver was pinned by the countless threads of the Lilliputians  (Threads Quotes) Each and every event in the past is connected to the present by invisible threads  (Threads Quotes) There are threads in our lives. You pull one, and everything else gets affected  (Threads Quotes) Incredible what slender threads you begin to hang your hopes on  (Threads Quotes) Although the threads of my life have often seemed knotted, I know, by faith, that on the other side of the embroidery there is a crown  (Threads Quotes) The relationship between people knot so easily, there needs to be a person skilled at working free the threads. Sometimes, though, the only way to extricate a tangle is to cut it out and start fresh  (Threads Quotes) Karma is the eternal assertion of human freedom... Our thoughts, our words, and deeds are the threads of the net which we throw around ourselves  (Threads Quotes) Translation from one language to another is like viewing a piece of tapestry on the wrong side where though the figures are distinguishable yet there are so many ends and threads that the beauty and exactness of the work is obscured  (Threads Quotes) The things a man has heard and seen are threads of life, and if he pull them carefully from the confused distaff of memory, any who will can weave them into whatever garments of belief please them best. I too have woven my garment like another, but I shall try to keep warm in it, and shall be well content if it do not unbecome me  (Threads Quotes) Nothing ever begins. There is no first moment; no single word or place from which this or any story springs. The threads can always be traced back to some earlier tale, and the tales that preceded that; though as the narrator’s voice recedes the connections will seem to grow more tenuous, for each age will want the tale told as if it were of its own making  (Threads Quotes) Three or four threads may be agitated, like telegraph wires, at the same time, and if I were to tap them all I would reveal such a mixture of innocence and duplicity, generosity and calculation, fear and courage, I cannot tell the whole truth simply because I would have to write four journals at once  (Threads Quotes) His outflung hands traced over the threads of his rug, passed loop by loop through some patient woman’s hands. Or maybe she hadn’t been patient. Maybe she’d been tired, or irritated, or distracted, or hungry, or angry. Maybe she had been dying. But her hands had kept moving, all the same  (Threads Quotes) By the end of last year we solved a lot of threads, and it’s really good for this new way we’re taking the show to really have these new people and these new energies, frankly  (Threads Quotes) ... I have no idea who’s steering, and I don’t really care.. I just keep going whatever the inclination is... there are threads that are continuous and hold everything together and a major thread is country music  (Threads Quotes) Principles are deep fundamental truths... lightly interwoven threads running with exactness, consistency, beauty and strength through the fabric of life  (Threads Quotes) You’re easily distracted by the pattern of the cloth and can’t see the quality of the threads  (Threads Quotes) A lot has been written about Tony Perkins and myself and I figured, Let’s get it straight. I had a relationship with Tony for two to three years, but those are only threads in the tapestry of my whole life  (Threads Quotes) We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects  (Threads Quotes) If theater is ritual, then dance is too... It’s as if the threads connecting us to the rest of the world were washed clean of preconceptions and fears. When you dance, you can enjoy the luxury of being you  (Threads Quotes) The universe is a trillion, trillion threads moving in seemingly unrelated directions. Yet when you look at them together, they create a remarkable tapestry  (Threads Quotes) The future is a hundred thousand threads, but the past is a fabric that can never be rewoven  (Threads Quotes) We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color  (Threads Quotes)
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