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This is an issue that has an exceedingly high number of threads in it. It involves race, it involves culture, it involves crime, it involves justice  (Threads Quotes) Christmas shows us the ties that bind us together, threads of love and caring, woven in the simplest and strongest way within the family.  (Threads Quotes) Within that quiet little girl with no apparent needs lived a person with a great imagination. In that shell I lived and grew and planned, until there emerged a way to pull all the loose threads of my life together.  (Threads Quotes) I had a great grandmother who believed in so many strange superstitions. She used to tell the future from the things that catch on to the hem of your skirt when you’ve been sewing, and different colored threads would mean different things... Of course, all that influenced me quite a lot as a child.  (Threads Quotes) I was given life because it was my time, and now I take leave of it according to the same law. Content with the natural sequence of these events, I am touched neither by joy nor by grief. I am simply hanging in the air ... incapable of freeing myself, tied by the threads of things.  (Threads Quotes) Little girls and boys, barefooted, walked up and down between the endless rows of spindles, reaching thin little hands into the machinery to repair snapped threads.  (Threads Quotes) I tend to write the episodes in the middle of the season, which can be a challenge because you’ve got to balance all these threads that have begun - and also make sure they will make sense with the overall plan going forward.  (Threads Quotes) I don’t trust happiness. I turn it over as if it were a glass at a flea market or a rug at a souk, looking for chipped rims or loose threads.  (Threads Quotes) Today, let’s set our minds and hearts on feeling more thankful for what we are than guilty for what we’re not. Let’s cut the threads of guilt with grace.  (Threads Quotes) We look at life from the back side of the tapestry. And most of the time, what we see is loose threads, tangled knots and the like. But occasionally, God’s light shines through the tapestry, and we get a glimpse of the larger design with God weaving together the darks and lights of existence.  (Threads Quotes) The main threads running through the lives of W. A. Clark and his daughter Huguette include the costs of ambition, the burdens of inherited wealth, the fragility of reputation, the folly of judging someone’s life from the outside, and the tension between engaging with the world, with all its risks, and keeping a safe distance from danger.  (Threads Quotes) I remember first seeing Barney Kessel, in the 1940s, standing on the corner of Hollywood and Vine, in his cowboy boots, sun glasses and hipster threads, holding his guitar case man, you just knew that cat could wail!’  (Threads Quotes) Find your purpose by excavating and tying together the common threads of your happy memories by focusing on the emotions you felt.  (Threads Quotes) There lay certitude; there, in the daily round. all the rest hung on mere threads and trivial contingencies; you couldn’t waste your time on it. The thing was to do your job as it should be done  (Threads Quotes) Whenever you’re writing a book or creating a movie or a game, your first task is to get the reader/audience/player to suspend disbelief, to buy into the logic and boundaries of your world, even though those boundaries might include things like dragons and magic. To do that, you need long threads - of history and culture.  (Threads Quotes) The challenge is always to find the good place to end the book. The rule I follow with myself is that every book should end where the next book would logically begin. I know that some readers wish that literally all of the threads would be neatly tied off and snipped, but life just doesn’t work that way.  (Threads Quotes) Even though I don’t write about things that come from my life because I’m lucky, and I live in a great place with great kids and, you know, a great husband, I think you can find threads of me in the characters, so that’s really what being a writer is, probably.  (Threads Quotes) I think our lives are connected by threads. We’re weaving our own quilts as we go along and it has been my experience that there are so many threads that connect people. Invisible threads, strong threads, sparkling threads, but I think there is so much interconnectivity between people and I acknowledge that and I see it all the time. I think some of that is divine  (Threads Quotes) In every true searcher of Nature there is a kind of religious reverence, for he finds it impossible to imagine that he is the first to have thought out the exceedingly delicate threads that connect his perceptions  (Threads Quotes) A good library can provide the furniture of our minds and the threads from which we weave our dreams  (Threads Quotes) Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns, so that each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry  (Threads Quotes) A history that should pursue all the subtle threads from end to end might be eminently valuable, but not as a tribute to peace and conciliation  (Threads Quotes) Most long lives resemble those threads of gossamer, the nearest approach to nothing unmeaningly prolonged, scarce visible pathways of some worm from his cradle to his grave  (Threads Quotes) A human heart is a skein of such imperceptibly and subtly interwoven threads that even the owner of it is often himself at a loss how to unravel it  (Threads Quotes) I think we’ve all been kind of... everyone’s been hurt, everyone’s felt loss, everyone has exultation, everyone has a need to be loved, or to have lost love, so when you play a character, you’re pulling out those little threads and turning them up a bit  (Threads Quotes) Tapestries are made by many artisans working together. The contributions of separate workers cannot be discerned in the completed work, and the loose and false threads have been covered over. So it is in our picture of particle physics  (Threads Quotes) Moment by moment throughout our lifetime, our brains hum with the work of making meaning: weaving together many thousands of threads of information into all manner of thoughts, feelings, memories, and ideas  (Threads Quotes) As financial market players know, advantage comes from reacting to news first. The same thing is true for all companies. When you start the conversation, you are recognised as someone who is plugged into the marketplace of ideas. If you talk about an idea early, you naturally get more exposure because the threads of conversation stem from what you have said. If you’re in late you get lost in the cacophony  (Threads Quotes) History has to be rewritten because history is the selection of those threads of causes or antecedents that we are interested in  (Threads Quotes) And why does it make you sad to see how everything hangs by such thin and whimsical threads? Because you’re a dreamer, an incredible dreamer, with a tiny spark hidden somewhere inside you which cannot die, which even you cannot kill or quench and which tortures you horribly because all the odds are against its continual burning. In the midst of the foulest decay and putrid savagery, this spark speaks to you of beauty, of human warmth and kindness, of goodness, of greatness, of heroism, of martyrdom, and it speaks to you of love  (Threads Quotes)
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