Threatened Quotes

Text Quotes
Our children are obese, either have or being threatened by diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and not socially adjusting properly to others because of a lack of fitness (Threatened Quotes)
Yet, despite our many advances, our environment is still threatened by a range of problems, including global climate change, energy dependence on unsustainable fossil fuels, and loss of biodiversity (Threatened Quotes)
I wanted to bring people together, and most importantly not feel threatened when they came to watch me box (Threatened Quotes)
I don’t think anyone doubts my motives, really. I do what I do and it’s not very complicated. Of course, you might hate the music that I make, but I don’t think people feel threatened by me just getting on with what I’m up to (Threatened Quotes)
When you are a strong woman, you will attract trouble. When a man feels threatened, there is always trouble (Threatened Quotes)
I think the more mediocre you are the better you do because people need to think you’re their friend, they don’t want to be threatened by you, you’ve got to be warm, you’ve got to be not too smart, not too pretty, not too anything (Threatened Quotes)
If the militarily most powerful and least threatened states need nuclear weapons for their security, how can one deny such security to countries that are truly insecure? The present nuclear policy is a recipe for proliferation. It is a policy for disaster (Threatened Quotes)
When the public’s right to know is threatened, and when the rights of free speech and free press are at risk, all of the other liberties we hold dear are endangered (Threatened Quotes)
A threatened nation can react to uncertain dangers solely through administrative channels, to the truly embarrassing situation of perhaps overreacting (Threatened Quotes)
I’ve actually apologized to some people I was a real jerk to, because I feel ashamed. I didn’t need to be that hungry. There was something going on inside me when I was angry and feeling very threatened and not feeling good about myself (Threatened Quotes)
I think people have to set up little battles. They have to demonize people whom they disagree with or feel threatened by. But it’s the ideological framing of the debate that scares me (Threatened Quotes)
People who play conventional music are threatened by electronica and don’t consider it to be as valuable as what they do (Threatened Quotes)
It goes without saying that when survival is threatened, struggles erupt between peoples, and unfortunate wars between nations result (Threatened Quotes)
When one has been threatened with a great injustice, one accepts a smaller as a favour (Threatened Quotes)
Well, I think that you know, I threatened myself with quitting after every movie. But I think everybody does that, right? (Threatened Quotes)
I shot my first lion at the age of 14 when a pride threatened my father’s livestock while he was away on holiday (Threatened Quotes)
At no point am I ever threatened by people who question who I am, or why I like the things I do, or my legitimacy. Because I know who I am very strongly, and I think that’s what geek culture can reinforce (Threatened Quotes)
And that’s how we ended up discovering the evil horses that threatened all of humanity (Threatened Quotes)
I don’t know why I felt so closed and bitter and threatened by the things I did not like (Threatened Quotes)
I had grown up. I had learned that being a woman was knowing when to stand firm and when to compromise. I had learned to laugh and weep; I had learned that I was weak as well as strong. I had learned to love. I was no longer a rigid, upright tree that would not flex and bow, even though the gale threatened to snap it in two; I was the willow that bends and shivers and sways, and yet remains strong (Threatened Quotes)
Sometimes we do not realize how much we have to be grateful for until it is threatened (Threatened Quotes)
She cried out into his kiss, her hands clawing his shoulders, adrift now in a pleasure that threatened to consume her. In her sexual lifetime she had never known anything like it. Had never tasted such a dark kiss, one that warned her he had no intention of making allowances for sensual inexperience. He was hungry. Needy. And she was the meal he craved (Threatened Quotes)
We cannot by ourselves reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, but we are doing what has to be done all over the world if those weapons are one day to be eliminated. We will not contemplate any circumstance in which their possession or threatened use is justified. We reject the secrecy and hypocrisy which surrounds the continuing refinement of the technology (Threatened Quotes)
The mechanist is intimately convinced that a precise knowledge of the chemical constitution, structure, and properties of the various organelles of a cell will solve biological problems. This will come in a few centuries. For the time being, the biologist has to face such concepts as orienting forces or morphogenetic fields. Owing to the scarcity of chemical data and to the complexity of life, and despite the progresses of biochemistry, the biologist is still threatened with vertigo (Threatened Quotes)
Penguins are an indicator of the health of our watery planet, and if they are unable to survive, we had better take notice or we might find our own survival threatened (Threatened Quotes)
Our lives are led, and our decisions made, within a network of needs and wants, some natural, some arising from the acts of others, some aggravated by the acts of the state. We are all bored, or threatened, or tantalized in differing degrees by a perilous world, some hostile people, and a not very sensitive government (Threatened Quotes)
The most unhappy thing about conservation is that it is never permanent. Save a priceless woodland or an irreplaceable mountain today, and tomorrow it is threatened from another quarter (Threatened Quotes)
Contemporaneous with the financial crisis we have an ecological crisis and a health crisis. They are intimately interlinked. We cannot convert much more of the earth into money, or much more of our health into money, before the basis of life itself is threatened (Threatened Quotes)
It is dangerous to exist in the world. To exist is to be threatened. We must live with threats (Threatened Quotes)
I don’t feel threatened. You can live your life being scared of losing someone and, at the end of the day, if he is going to leave you, he’ll leave you and that’s it (Threatened Quotes)