Threats Quotes

Text Quotes
America is facing some major threats. Cyber warfare, Islamic terror and Russia, does it sound terrible? It sounds like the end of the world. (Threats Quotes)
The inked fingers and the position of them, which is gonna be a ‘Daily Show’ photo already, of them signaling in this [Nazi salute] manner, as if they have solidarity with the Iraqis who braved physical threats against their lives to vote as if somehow these inked-fingered Republicans have something to do with that. (Threats Quotes)
Most people who make threats don’t follow through. The most dangerous people are often those who never make threats. But ‘most’ and ‘often’ aren’t what you are looking for when you’re dealing with a scary person. You want to ‘know.’ And there is no knowing. (Threats Quotes)
Ever since Obama’s election team and media thugs made me famous for asking a simple question in 2008, I’ve had more than my share of death threats by people who are by definition at least a little crazy. (Threats Quotes)
I have had to pay a price for leaving Islam and for speaking out. I have to pay for round-the-clock security because of the death threats against me. (Threats Quotes)
Even with protection, even with death threats, I can publish, I can travel and I can live the life that I want and not the one my parents want or some imam somewhere thinks I should live. (Threats Quotes)
Kids threw rocks at me, told me I was ugly and left death threats in my locker (Threats Quotes)
The police came to me to say I had death threats and that I had to be careful! (Threats Quotes)
I won’t forget the hood. I won’t forget the days of catching a bullet on the way to the mailbox or bricks with death threats that somehow made their way through the window. (Threats Quotes)
One thing I’ve learned about death threats is that they’re great, actually. You should actually be grateful for death threats because those who are taking the time to threaten you that way are getting it out of their system. That’s really what they rant to do, yell at you, and they want to threaten you. (Threats Quotes)
We get death threats, kidnapping threats. The press criticizes my weight. It’s just the English way. (Threats Quotes)
Thanks to the tabloid campaigns I have many death threats and I was very pleased to get another one the other day. (Threats Quotes)
I’ve had death threats, but I’ve never been fearful for my life. Although I have traveled with security since the 60s. (Threats Quotes)
I don’t think most of my opinions, political or social, are so far outside of the mainstream that they’d cause massive outrage on a scale liable to provoke death threats or referrals to prosecutors for outraging public decency, so why worry? (Threats Quotes)
We are politically correct, we are afraid to address the problem. Because if you address the problem like I do, people like you call us evil extreme, or you’re being taken to court or you will get death threats in your life. (Threats Quotes)
I’ve never liked talking about my personal life, ever. Ever since I was 20, I’ve lived in a kind of public arena; and there have been stalkers, blackmailers, death threats, physical violence and threats to friends of mine, colleagues of mine, to myself. (Threats Quotes)
If what you do is being threatened as a profession, that could be scary. But that’s the same reason why I walked out on stage many times after receiving death threats. I couldn’t live without doing what I wanted to do. So at the same time I have to be willing to die for it. (Threats Quotes)
Our [American] leaders are so socialized as to address militarized threats by acting on the basis of a militarized mentality that the deep roots of problems are ignored. (Threats Quotes)
The question is not, will there be difficulties and threats to our existence, but how will we deal with them and what can we learn from them. How can they become blessings to society, as a life threatening disease is to an individual, by teaching us about the meaning of our life and existence? (Threats Quotes)
We need to make clear the federal government does not have authority to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens without due process or, for that matter, to use lethal force on U.S. citizens on U.S. soil if they don’t pose imminent threats. (Threats Quotes)
Whether it’s threats to Medicare, cuts in education spending, or Internet privacy, the ramifications got young people out to vote and should be enough to keep them involved in our political system. (Threats Quotes)
In a world of complex threats, our security and leadership depends on all elements of our power - including strong and principled diplomacy. (Threats Quotes)
Recognition in front of peers is the strongest motivator, and berating team members in private or public is the biggest demotivator. Check your use of rewards vs. penalties, with the negatives including emotional outbursts at no one in particular, a lack of feedback and veiled threats. (Threats Quotes)
Empty threats are often worse than saying nothing at all. It’s like leading from behind. Eventually, no one thinks you’re leading at all. And after a while, no one is even listening. (Threats Quotes)
It is obvious that humanity faces existential threats of a global nature. They are global in the sense that is not possible to deal with them unless we resort to global governance. (Threats Quotes)
Personally, I’m not afraid of a robot uprising. The benefits far outweigh the threats. (Threats Quotes)
We in the FBI have created a malware repository and analysis tool known as the Binary Analysis Characterization and Storage System, or BACSS, which provides near real-time investigative information. BACSS helps us link malware in different jurisdictions and paint a picture of cyber threats worldwide. (Threats Quotes)
The FBI has built up substantial expertise to address cyber threats, both in the homeland and overseas. Here at home, the FBI serves as the executive agent for the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF), which joins together 19 intelligence, law enforcement, and military agencies to coordinate cyber threat investigations. (Threats Quotes)
Extremism in defense of liberty is not a vice, but I denounce political extremism, of the left or the right, based on duplicity, falsehood, fear, violence and threats when they endanger liberty. (Threats Quotes)
Behaving morally because of a hope of reward or a fear of punishment is not morality. Morality is not bribery or threats. Religion is bribery and threats. Humans have morality. We don’t need religion. (Threats Quotes)