Throne Quotes
Text Quotes
Loneliness, tenderness, high society, notoriety, you fight for the throne and you travel alone (Throne Quotes)
The éminence cerise, the bolster behind the throne (Throne Quotes)
The greatest monarch on the proudest throne is obliged to sit upon his own arse (Throne Quotes)
To be a princess is to play at life. To be a queen is to be a serious player... The purpose of life as a woman is to ascend to the throne and rule with heart (Throne Quotes)
On the highest throne in the world, we still sit only on our own bottom (Throne Quotes)
A man may build himself a throne of bayonets, but he can’t sit on it (Throne Quotes)
Even on the highest throne in the world, we are still sitting on our ass (Throne Quotes)
Verily, o man, with truth for thy theme, eloquence shall throne thee with archangels (Throne Quotes)
I am the fool in this story, and no rebel shall hurl me from my throne (Throne Quotes)
I swear to you, sitting a throne is a thousand times harder than winning one (Throne Quotes)
Power’s footstool is opinion and his throne the human heart (Throne Quotes)
Born alone, die alone, no crew to keep my crown or throne (Throne Quotes)
Prayer is our essential lifeline to God’s throne and heart (Throne Quotes)
Forget happiness. You were called to a throne. How will you prepare for it? That is the question of virtue, Christian style. (Throne Quotes)
One thing is certain: the call of Christ is always a promotion. Were Christ to call a king from his throne to preach the gospel to some tribe of aborigines, that king would be elevated above anything he had known before. Any movement toward Christ is ascent, and any direction away from Him is down (Throne Quotes)
We do God more honor by believing what He has said about Himself and having the courage to come boldly to the throne of grace than by hiding in self-conscious humility among the trees of the garden (Throne Quotes)
As long as Christ sits on the mediatorial throne every day is a good day and all days are days of salvation (Throne Quotes)
A family on the throne is an interesting idea. It brings down the pride of sovereignty to the level of petty life (Throne Quotes)
He told me once the saddest thing that can befall the soul, is when it loses faith in God and woman, for he had lost them both. Lost I those gems, though the world's throne stood open in my path, I would go wandering back into my childhood, searching for them with tears (Throne Quotes)
Would Shakespeare and Raleigh have done their best, would that galaxy have shone so bright in the heavens had there been no Elizabeth on the throne? (Throne Quotes)
Pray always for all the learned, the oblique, the delicate. Let them not be quite forgotten at the throne of God when the simple come into their kingdom (Throne Quotes)
against my will, my fate, A throne unsettled, and an infant state, Bid me defend my realms with all my powers, And guard with these severities my shores (Throne Quotes)
A sea before the Throne is spread; - its pure still glass Pictures all Earth - scenes as they pass. We, on its shore, share, in the bosom of our rest, god's knowledge, and are blest (Throne Quotes)
Though we may not be able to see His purpose or His plan, the Lord of heaven is on His throne and in firm control of the universe and our lives (Throne Quotes)
In the vast, and the minute, we see the unambiguous footsteps of the God, who gives its lustre to an insect's wing and wheels His throne upon the rolling worlds (Throne Quotes)
The soul hath snatched up mine all faint and weak, And placed it by thee on a golden throne, - And that I love (O soul, we must be meek!) Is by thee only, whom I love alone (Throne Quotes)
Night, sable goddess! From her ebon throne, In rayless majesty, now stretches forth Her leaden scepter over a slumbering world (Throne Quotes)
Seekest thou a place at my right hand? Nay, I give thee a more wondrous dignity. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne (Throne Quotes)
Nine changes of the wat'ry star hath been the shepherd's note since we have left our throne without a burthen (Throne Quotes)
Boundless intemperance In nature is a tyranny. It hath been Th' untimely emptying of the happy throne and fall of many kings (Throne Quotes)