Throw Quotes

Text Quotes
A dog will never forget the crumb thou gavest him, though thou mayst afterwards throw a hundred stones at his head (Throw Quotes)
I've done a lot worse than jump off piers, son. Like throw a television out the window (Throw Quotes)
Women know the damnation of charity because the habit of civilization has always been to throw them cheap alms rather than give them good wages (Throw Quotes)
The Post Office is very careful nowadays. When they get a package marked "Fragile," they throw it underhand (Throw Quotes)
When I’m traveling on tour, one of my favorite things to do is to throw a baseball cap on and go to a Target. The company has always been good to me. They’ve got such a great creative team (Throw Quotes)
Don’t throw me teddy-bears, I’m 23! I’m a man! Throw me condoms or money! Paper, not coins (Throw Quotes)
Because they have been in love they have survived everything that life could throw at them, even their own failures (Throw Quotes)
My iPhone has 2 million times the storage of the 1969 Apollo 11 computer. They went to the moon. I throw birds at pig houses (Throw Quotes)
If you’re ever in doubt, throw a pepper in the air. If it fails to come down, you have gone mad, so don’t trust in anything (Throw Quotes)
Although the troops have struck us, we throw it all behind and are glad to meet you in peace and friendship (Throw Quotes)
Anorexia, you starve yourself. Bulimia, you binge and purge. You eat huge amounts of food until you’re sick and then you throw up. And anorexia, you just deny yourself. It’s about control (Throw Quotes)
As a team, you need to come from behind every once in awhile just to do it. Good for the attitude. It makes it exciting. And when everybody knows you have to throw it... that makes it fun too (Throw Quotes)
Don’t throw petals on the floor if they have no meaning. I would rather have a fun, casual relationship than have someone pretending they’re completely in love with me (Throw Quotes)
How many women have the courage to start properly with a cold, cold bath early in the morning? I jump in, throw the water, cold as ice, and after the first plunge I am happy (Throw Quotes)
I feel very blessed to have two wonderful, healthy children who keep me completely grounded, sane and throw up on my shoes just before I go to an awards show just so I know to keep it real (Throw Quotes)
I married the first man I ever kissed. When I tell this to my children, they just about throw up (Throw Quotes)
I wanted to show how a man of sensitive and noble character, born for religion, comes to throw off the orthodoxies of his day and moment, and to go out into the wilderness where all is experiment, and spiritual life begins again (Throw Quotes)
I was just then going through a healthy reaction from the orthodoxy of my youth; religion had become for me not so much a possession as an obsession, which I was trying to throw off, and this iconoclastic tale of an imaginary tribe was the result (Throw Quotes)
I was quite a shy child. I would get terribly nervous and throw up before my birthday party. And then I would be fine. I feel the same now. I get nervous, then it’s fine (Throw Quotes)
I’m vegan on home base, but when I travel to other countries, I throw it all into the garbage (Throw Quotes)
Just take the ball and throw it where you want to. Throw strikes. Home plate don’t move (Throw Quotes)
Life is hard. Then you die. Then they throw dirt in your face. Then the worms eat you. Be grateful it happens in that order (Throw Quotes)
Making love in the morning got me through morning sickness. I found I could be happy and throw up at the same time (Throw Quotes)
One accusation you can’t throw at me is that I’ve always done my best (Throw Quotes)
There are a lot of movies I’d like to throw away. That’s not to say that I went in with that attitude. Any film I ever started, I went in with all the hope and best intentions in the world, but some films just don’t work (Throw Quotes)
This has always been the way of presidential politics. The president rises above the fray while his surrogates go on the attack. They throw the spears and fling the mud; he sits upon the throne (Throw Quotes)
Throw in the humor, throw in that personality, try things you wouldn’t normally try (Throw Quotes)
To keep it simple you run your gym like you run your house. Keep it clean and in good running order. No jerks allowed, members pay on time and if they give you any crap, throw them out. There’s peace where there’s order (Throw Quotes)
Too many women throw themselves into romance because they’re afraid of being single, then start making compromises and losing their identity. I won’t do that (Throw Quotes)
If I could only get people to rub my belly for good lucky and then throw money in my fountain, it’d be a perfect world (Throw Quotes)