Throw Quotes

Text Quotes
At that moment I had no mind to change, or not change, or throw against the nearest wall (Throw Quotes)
Roaring dreams take place in a perfectly silent mind. Now that we know this, throw the raft away (Throw Quotes)
Sugar, it’s no parade but you’ll get down the street one way or another, so you’d just as well throw your shoulders back and pick up the pace (Throw Quotes)
We can choose to throw stones, to stumble on them, to climb over them, or to build with them (Throw Quotes)
The order that our mind imagines is like a net, or like a ladder, built to attain something. But afterward you must throw the ladder away, because you discover that, even if it was useful, it was meaningless (Throw Quotes)
If something doesn’t work exactly right, or maybe needs some special treatment, you don’t just throw it away. Everything can’t be fully operational all the time. Sometimes, we need to have the patience to give something the little nudge it needs (Throw Quotes)
They say that patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings steal a little and they throw you in jail. Steal a lot and then they make you king (Throw Quotes)
Turns out, that’s how it is with weddings. You just keep getting in deeper and deeper until you want to throw up (Throw Quotes)
It’s like going out to the desert and screaming and then having little kids throw their sandbox at you. I’m only 24 (Throw Quotes)
I don’t want it to be attributed to a loss of control on my part. When I throw you out of the window, I want there to be no doubt the act was deliberate (Throw Quotes)
The writer’s job is to get the main character up a tree, and then once they are up there, throw rocks at them (Throw Quotes)
Five hundred souls. I carried them in my fingers, like suitcases. Or I’d throw them over my shoulder. It was only the the children I carried in my arms (Throw Quotes)
When I was still quite young I had a complete presentiment of life. It was like the nauseating smell of cooking escaping from a ventilator: you don’t have to have eaten it to know that it would make you throw up (Throw Quotes)
It was a gloomy prospect, and all that she could do was to throw a mist over it, and hope when the mist cleared away, she should see something else (Throw Quotes)
It’s a reflex. Hear a bell, get food. See an undead, throw a knife. Same thing, really (Throw Quotes)
When you try rescuing someone and discover they can’t be reached, why would you ever throw that back in their face? (Throw Quotes)
You may chain my hands, you may shackle my feet; you may even throw me into a dark prison; but you shall not enslave my thinking, because it is free! (Throw Quotes)
If I let myself love you, I won’t throw myself in front of her. I’ll throw myself in front of you (Throw Quotes)
It offended his sense of himself, because he was an individual from an age of individuals, and a string of lights was, like him, an individual thing. No matter how little the thing had cost, to throw it away was to deny its value (Throw Quotes)
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and then throw it in the face of the person who gave you the lemons until they give you the oranges you originally asked for (Throw Quotes)
One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don’t throw it away (Throw Quotes)
I persuaded him to throw the dirk away; and it was as easy as persuading a child to give up some bright fresh new way of killing itself (Throw Quotes)
And if I wanted to kill myself, I wouldn’t throw myself off a roof. And if I was going to throw myself off a roof, I would put on some pants before I did it (Throw Quotes)
For a moment, staring down and realizing what I’d just done, I wanted to throw myself in after him, because surely there was no way I could go on living now (Throw Quotes)
The gods throw the dice and they don’t ask whether we want to be in the game or not (Throw Quotes)
You can’t prepare for everything life’s going to throw at you. And you can’t avoid danger. It’s there. The world is a dangerous place, and if you sit around wringing your hands about it, you’ll out on all the adventure (Throw Quotes)
I envied it; not the idea of having so much money that you could throw it away, but the thought of growing up in a world where someone cared so much about your happiness and so little about what you accomplished in life (Throw Quotes)
Take your diamonds and throw em up like you’re bulimic. Yeah, the beat cold, but the flow is anemic (Throw Quotes)
The thing is, you throw brains and souls into an animal and stir, you don’t really know what you’re going to get (Throw Quotes)
... we were like two people standing apart on separate mountain peaks, recklessly leaning forward to throw stones at one another, unaware of the dangerous chasm that separated us (Throw Quotes)