Throw Quotes

Text Quotes
Incidentally, it’s best not to argue with the nursing staff. I find the best course of action is to throw some chocolates in one direction and hurry off in the other while their attention is distracted (Throw Quotes)
When you close that door to nowhere throw away the key, we have a tendency to look back and regret (Throw Quotes)
Barbarian that I am, I had eaten all of it. It had tasted quite nice too. Still, I took note of this fact and resigned myself to throw away half of a perfectly good cheese if it was set in front of me. Such is the price of civilization (Throw Quotes)
What’s the point in wasting a perfectly good brick wall when you have someone to throw against it, that’s what I always say (Throw Quotes)
When something needs to be ironed I put it in the ironing basket. If a year goes by and the item is still in the basket I throw the item away. This is a good system since eventually I end up only with clothes that don’t need ironing (Throw Quotes)
I trusted her about as far as I could throw her. I was strong and she was small, but it still wasn’t very far (Throw Quotes)
What had set the fae world off? I’d never seen one. Now you couldn’t throw a trowel without hitting a fairy (Throw Quotes)
How many times would I throw this away before I realized it was what I had been looking for all along? (Throw Quotes)
I should throw you off this building minus the flying horse and see how heroic you sound on the way down (Throw Quotes)
I’m not unsympathetic. But do you like me? Because this being gay business doesn’t mean you can just throw yourself at any guy and it’ll be fine because he’s not a girl. There are still people you like and people you don’t (Throw Quotes)
You throw a stone into a deep pond. Splash. The sound is big, and it reverberates throughout the surrounding area. What comes out of the pond after that? All we can do is stare at the pond, holding our breath (Throw Quotes)
Be careful when you cast out your demons that you don’t throw away the best of yourself (Throw Quotes)
Kindness is a rotten fruit that poisons anyone who partakes of it. Throw it in the face of your enemies and let it ruin them instead (Throw Quotes)
You can’t throw away years of your life because it makes a funny anecdote (Throw Quotes)
I would take anything I love and throw it off the highest cliff you ever saw and not wait to hear it bounce (Throw Quotes)
When a man is in love very little is enough to throw him into despair and as little to enhance his joy to the utmost (Throw Quotes)
Baby, I ain’t trash. Trash is something you throw away. My people keep me (Throw Quotes)
And here I am, strapped into a tree, a stone’s throw from the biggest idiot in the games (Throw Quotes)
I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to say those three words. Most guys throw it around like breath, like bait (Throw Quotes)
She was supposed to be putting her life together right now, and all she could seem to do was throw grenades at it (Throw Quotes)
Mind you, sometimes the angels smoke, hiding it with their sleeves, and when the archangel comes, they throw the cigarettes away: that’s when you get shooting stars (Throw Quotes)
Never throw caution to the wind. It could whip back into your eyes and blind you (Throw Quotes)
Throw in the intensity of emotions that come with that bittersweet summer sandwiched between high school graduation and the rest of your life (Throw Quotes)
For can anything be sillier than to insist on carrying a burden one would continually much rather throw to the ground? (Throw Quotes)
I’m liking that I can throw any kind of sentence at her without worrying it’s too out there (Throw Quotes)
Why throw money at problems? That is what money is for. Should the nation’s wealth be redistributed? It has been and continues to be redistributed to a few people in a manner strikingly unhelpful (Throw Quotes)
I am someone who has a cold heart. If I am beside a great grief I throw barriers up so the loss cannot go too deep or too far. There is a wall instantly in place, and it will not fall (Throw Quotes)
No. I just never wanted to throw them away. Even if they were broken. I still loved them (Throw Quotes)
My love is something valuable to me which I ought not to throw away without reflection (Throw Quotes)
You people always hold onto old identities, old faces and masks, long after they’ve served their purpose. But you’ve got to learn to throw things away eventually (Throw Quotes)