Thus let me hold thee to my heart, and every care resign: and we shall never, never part, my life - my all that's mine!

Thus let me hold thee to my heart, and every care resign: and we shall never, never part, my life - my all that's mine!
Oliver Goldsmith, a renowned Irish poet and playwright, is known for his heartfelt and emotional works that resonate with readers on a deep level. One of his most famous lines, "Thus let me hold thee to my heart, and every care resign: and we shall never, never part, my life - my all that's mine!" captures the essence of love and devotion in a way that only Goldsmith could.In this poignant line, Goldsmith expresses a deep longing to hold onto someone dear to his heart and to let go of all worries and cares. The sentiment of never wanting to part from a loved one is a universal feeling that many can relate to, and Goldsmith's words evoke a sense of passion and commitment that is both timeless and enduring.
Goldsmith's use of language in this line is both tender and powerful, as he conveys the depth of his emotions with simplicity and grace. The repetition of the word "never" emphasizes the permanence of his love and the unbreakable bond that he shares with the object of his affection. By declaring that this person is his "life - my all that's mine," Goldsmith is proclaiming that they are his everything, his reason for being, and his greatest treasure.