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Thy Quotes

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Friendship Quotes Love Quotes Life Quotes Funny Quotes Motivational Quotes Inspirational Quotes
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Care not for time and success. Act out thy part, whether it be to fail or to prosper  (Thy Quotes) When thou findest thyself scorning another, look then at thy own heart and laugh at thy folly  (Thy Quotes) Thy praise or dispraise is to me alike; One doth not stroke me, nor the other strike  (Thy Quotes) Court the society of a superior, and make much of the opportunity; for in the company of an equal thy good fortune must decline  (Thy Quotes) If thy debtor be honest and capable, thou hast thy money again, if not with increase, with praise; if he prove insolvent, don’t ruin him to get that which it will not ruin thee to lose, for thou art but a steward  (Thy Quotes) Thy lot or portion of life is seeking after thee; therefore be at rest from seeking after it  (Thy Quotes) If riches increase, let thy mind hold pace with them; and think it not enough to be liberal, but munificent  (Thy Quotes) Why dost thou complain of this world? It detains thee not; thy own cowardice is the cause, if thou livest in pain  (Thy Quotes) Now that another is suffering pain at thy hand, trust not that thy heart shall be exempt from affliction  (Thy Quotes) Love labor: for if thou dost not want it for food, thou mayest for physic. It is wholesome for thy body and good for thy mind  (Thy Quotes) Make it thy business to know thyself, which is the most difficult lesson in the world. Yet from this lesson thou will learn to avoid the frog’s foolish ambition of swelling to rival the bigness of the ox  (Thy Quotes) Thy friendship oft has made my heart to ache: do be my enemy for friendship’s sake  (Thy Quotes) Enjoy what thou has inherited from thy sires if thou wouldn’t really possess it. What we employ and use is never an oppressive burden; what the moment brings forth, that only can it profit by  (Thy Quotes) How sweet it is to love, and to be dissolved, and as it were to bathe myself in thy love  (Thy Quotes) Then read from the treasured volume the poem of thy choice, and lend to the rhyme of the poet the beauty of thy voice  (Thy Quotes) What call thou solitude? Is not the earth with various living creatures, and the air replenished, and all these at thy command to come and play before thee?  (Thy Quotes) E’er since, by faith, I saw the stream thy flowing wounds supply, redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die  (Thy Quotes) At daybreak, when loath to rise, have this thought in thy mind: I am rising for a man’s work  (Thy Quotes) Be this thy brazen bulwark, to keep a clear conscience, and never turn pale with guilt  (Thy Quotes) If thy daughter marry well, thou hast found a son; if not, thou hast lost a daughter  (Thy Quotes) If thou art rich, then show the greatness of thy fortune; or what is better, the greatness of thy soul, in the meekness of thy conversation; condescend to men of low estate, support the distressed, and patronize the neglected. Be great  (Thy Quotes) Think not thy time short in this world, since the world itself is not long. The created world is but a small parenthesis in eternity, and a short interposition, for a time, between such a state of duration as was before it and may be after it  (Thy Quotes) O thou sculptor, painter, poet! Take this lesson to thy heart: That is best which lieth nearest; Shape from that thy work of art  (Thy Quotes) This is thy hour o soul, thy free flight into the wordless, away from books, away from art, the day erased, the lesson done, thee fully forth emerging, silent, gazing, pondering the themes thou lovest best, night, sleep, death and the stars  (Thy Quotes) Pass then through this little space of time conformably to nature, and end thy journey in content, just as an olive falls off when it is ripe, blessing nature who produced it, and thanking the tree on which it grew  (Thy Quotes) Should we put out the light? And then put out the light. But once put out thy light, I cannot give it vital breath again. It needs must wither  (Thy Quotes) The sin which is unpardonable is knowingly and wilfully to reject truth, to fear knowledge lest that knowledge pander not to thy prejudices  (Thy Quotes) Govern thy life and thy thoughts as if the whole world were to see the one, and read the other  (Thy Quotes) If thou of fortune be bereft, and in thy store there be but left two loaves, sell one, and with the dole, buy hyacinths to feed thy soul  (Thy Quotes) Make it thy business to know thyself, which is the most difficult lesson in the world  (Thy Quotes)
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