Time goes by slower when you miss the one you love

Time goes by slower when you miss the one you love
Time is a peculiar concept that governs our lives in ways we may not always fully understand. It can feel like it's flying by when we're having fun or when we're busy with work or activities. However, when we're missing someone we love, time seems to slow down to a crawl, almost as if it's mocking us with its leisurely pace.When you're separated from the one you love, every minute can feel like an eternity. The days stretch out endlessly before you, each hour dragging on as you count down the moments until you can be reunited with them. It's as if time itself is conspiring against you, making each passing second feel like an eternity of longing and heartache.
The moments when you're apart from your loved one can feel like they stretch on forever, each second filled with a sense of emptiness and longing. You find yourself constantly checking the clock, willing time to move faster so you can be with them once again. But no matter how hard you try, time refuses to cooperate, stubbornly dragging its feet and making you wait for what feels like an eternity.