Time Passes Quotes

Text Quotes
Time passes so slowly if you are unaware of it and so quickly if you are aware of it (Time Passes Quotes)
We are all refugees from our childhoods. And so we turn, among other things, to stories. To write a story, to read a story, is to be a refugee from the state of refugees. Writers and readers seek a solution to the problem that time passes, that those who have gone are gone and those who will go, which is to say every one of us, will go. For there was a moment when anything was possible. And there will be a moment when nothing is possible. But in between we can create (Time Passes Quotes)
There are many things I don’t know, but quite a few I do. I know you can’t be lost if you know where you are. I know that life is full of precious and fragile things, and not all of them are pretty. I know that the sun follows the moon and makes days, one after another. Time passes. The world turns, and we turn with it, and though we can never go back to the beginning, sometimes, we can start again (Time Passes Quotes)
I feel like a lot of life is distasteful and embarrassing. And you just push through it. You fix what you can, and you let time pass (Time Passes Quotes)
Above all, in comedy, and again and again since classical times, passages can be found in which the level of representation is interrupted by references to the spectators or to the fictive nature of the play (Time Passes Quotes)
Time passes faster and faster, but with every project I always want to find the next challenge and the next challenge is just as exciting as the previous one (Time Passes Quotes)
We are passing through a very sensitive time, and on the whole, this country is facing very big problems (Time Passes Quotes)
When I hear that I realize how quickly time passes and how everybody goes on their journeys and they’re always unbelievable and they never go where you think they’re going to take you and, quite frankly, it also makes me feel a little old (Time Passes Quotes)
Well, I’m not sure, but of one thing I am certain: History judges one differently than contemporary observers, and so I think that as time passes, I hope that not me personally so much, but our administration will be seen for some of the things that we accomplished (Time Passes Quotes)
My ideas about time all developed from the realization that if nothing were to change we could not say that time passes. Change is primary, time, if it exists at all, is something we deduce from it (Time Passes Quotes)
We must take the time to do what needs to be done now, what is right, instead of passing a bad bill (Time Passes Quotes)
We say that time passes, time goes by, and time flows. Those are metaphors. We also think of time as a medium in which we exist (Time Passes Quotes)
During the day I keep myself busy and time passes. But at night, I really miss you (Time Passes Quotes)
That feeling of regret when time passes and you realize you've let the wrong person go (Time Passes Quotes)
Effective leaders do not fear passion. They welcome it. But from time to time passionate discussions digress into personal attacks, and real people get really hurt. In my view, leaders must head that off before it happens (Time Passes Quotes)
That is the way to learn the most, that when you are doing something with such enjoyment that you don’t notice that the time passes (Time Passes Quotes)
I keep hoping that as time passes by, we’ll regain the ease between us, but part of me knows it’s futile. There’s no going back (Time Passes Quotes)
When time passes, it’s the people who knew you whom you want to see; they’re the ones you can talk to. When enough time passes, what’s it matter what they did to you? (Time Passes Quotes)
Time passes and the pain begins to roll in and out as though it’s a woman standing at an ironing board, passing the iron back and forth, back and forth across a white tablecloth (Time Passes Quotes)
These are the poems of a traveler and a lover who feels both the terror of time passing and the consolation of eternity. From such tension spring lovely poetic objects, ready for intelligent use (Time Passes Quotes)
Time passes. That’s the rule. No matter what happens, no matter how much it might feel like everything in your life has been frozen around one particular moment, time marches on (Time Passes Quotes)
If you’re just letting the time pass at your job, it’s just dead time and you’ll never get it back. If at that job you’re learning and you’re observing and you’re seeing about people and connections, it’s suddenly alive time (Time Passes Quotes)
I like ice hockey, but it's a frustrating game to watch. It's hard to keep your eyes on both the puck and the players and too much time passes between scoring in hockey. There are usually more fights than there are points (Time Passes Quotes)
And this one fact seemed to point to other facts and others still: Love frays and humans fail, time passes, eras end (Time Passes Quotes)
People change and love will die. You’re never good enough and you don’t know why. Time passes and things go wrong, but just remember life goes on (Time Passes Quotes)
But sometimes the night reveals the only truth that time passes and things will never be seen the same again (Time Passes Quotes)
Nothing's perfect... because time passes... and the beetle and the worm find their way into everything sooner or later (Time Passes Quotes)
Time passes unhindered. When we make mistakes, we cannot turn the clock back and try again. All we can do is use the present well (Time Passes Quotes)
Hazard has conditioned us to live in hazard. All our pleasures are dependant upon it. Even though I arrange for a pleasure; and look forward to it, my eventual enjoyment of it is still a matter of hazard. Wherever time passes, there is hazard. You may die before you turn the next page (Time Passes Quotes)
Time passes swiftly, but is it not joyous to see how great and growing is the treasure we have gathered together, amid the storms and stresses of so many eventful and to millions tragic and terrible years? (Time Passes Quotes)