Time Past Quotes
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Text Quotes
The present time, together with the past, shall be judged by a great jovialist (Time Past Quotes)
Past time is finite, future time is infinite (Time Past Quotes)
Creation is all space, all time - all things past, present, and future (Time Past Quotes)
Time goes from present to past (Time Past Quotes)
They spend their time looking forward to the past (Time Past Quotes)
Christmas is a time when everybody wants his past forgotten and his present remembered (Time Past Quotes)
My lungs taste the air of Time,Blown past falling sands... (Time Past Quotes)
If time is money/ I’m an hour past paid (Time Past Quotes)
Clear out all of those doubts and fears. Let the past be the past. It’s time. (Time Past Quotes)
Consider in what condition both in body and soul a man should be when he is overtaken by death; and consider the shortness of life, the boundless abyss of time past and future, the feebleness of all matter. (Time Past Quotes)
A sleeping man holds in a circle around him the thread of the hours, the order of years and of worlds. He consults them instinctively upon awaking and in one second reads in them the point of the earth that he occupies, the time past until his arousal; but their ranks can be mingled or broken (Time Past Quotes)
His time was past, her handmaid Irri declared. No man should live longer than his teeth (Time Past Quotes)
My Lord, I find thy face apelike and thy form misshapen. Thy beard, moreover, is an offense against decency, resembling more closely the scabrous fir which doth decorate the hinder portion of a mongrel dog than a proper adornement for a human face. Is it possible that thy mother, seized by some wild lechery, did dally at some time past with a randy goat? -Mandorallen (Time Past Quotes)
Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future, And time future contained in time past. If all time is eternally present All time is unredeemable (Time Past Quotes)
I have been searching for time past all my life (Time Past Quotes)
I am 46, and have been for some time past (Time Past Quotes)
Time present and time past / are both perhaps present in time future (Time Past Quotes)
I never regret my past... Only time I wasted was on the wrong people (Time Past Quotes)
Again I entered my smithy to work and forge something from the noble material of time past (Time Past Quotes)
Prudence is a presumption of the future, contracted from the experience of time past (Time Past Quotes)
Time past and time future allow but a little consciousness. To be conscious is not to be in time (Time Past Quotes)
The time for action is past! Now is the time for senseless bickering! (Time Past Quotes)
Christmas is a bridge. We need bridges as the river of time flows past (Time Past Quotes)
More fundamentally, it is a dream that does not die with the onset of manhood: the dream is to play endlessly, past the time when you are called home for dinner, past the time of doing chores, past the time when your body betrays you past time itself (Time Past Quotes)
The way that organizations and organisms anticipate the future is by taking signals from the past, most the time (Time Past Quotes)
We see past time in a telescope and present time in a microscope. Hence the apparent enormities of the present (Time Past Quotes)
The act of writing requires a constant plunging back into the shadow of the past where time hovers ghostlike (Time Past Quotes)
Spam will be a thing of the past in two years' time (Time Past Quotes)
This one time I stayed up way past my bedtime... man that was scary (Time Past Quotes)
The past actually happened. History is what someone took the time to write down (Time Past Quotes)
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