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First time using the grill  (Time Quotes) You were an exquisite waste of time  (Time Quotes) When the world says give up. Hope whispers... Try one more time  (Time Quotes) Now is not the time to save the planet  (Time Quotes) Time is the supreme Law of nature  (Time Quotes) Has time machine. Is always in a hurry  (Time Quotes) Grandparenting - getting it right the second time around  (Time Quotes) And that was the last time we saw mike  (Time Quotes) It’s the most wonderful time of the year  (Time Quotes) The time for wine is now  (Time Quotes) Give it all you got. You never know if there will be a next time  (Time Quotes) Every time you kiss me, it’s like sunshine and whiskey  (Time Quotes) And I wonder if I cross your mind... for me it happens all the time  (Time Quotes) 60% of the time it works every time  (Time Quotes) There are as many forms of love as there are moments in time  (Time Quotes) Taking time to do nothing often brings everything into perspective  (Time Quotes) Lying. Because disappointing people all the time can get depressing  (Time Quotes) Time to make woofles  (Time Quotes) It’s time for your period  (Time Quotes) The first time I kissed you, it gave me people in my stomach. Awww  (Time Quotes) 50/50 shot at pulling the right one. Wrong every time  (Time Quotes) Oh yeah? Say that to my face one more time!  (Time Quotes) Not sure if my clothes will get washed or travel through time  (Time Quotes) There’s always time for tea  (Time Quotes) Call me dork knight one more time  (Time Quotes) It’s time to stop posting  (Time Quotes) Sunday.. time to relax  (Time Quotes) Ruffle my feathers one more time  (Time Quotes) I hope this time the human understands my art  (Time Quotes) Close friends are life’s greatest and most abiding treasures. Cherish your time together  (Time Quotes)
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