Timothy Keller Quotes

Text Quotes
In short, the enlightenment privatized marriage, taking it out of the public sphere, and redefined its purpose as individual gratification, not any ‘broader good’ such as reflecting God’s nature, producing character, or raising children. Slowly but surely, this newer understanding of the meaning of marriage has displaced the older ones in Western culture (Timothy Keller Quotes)
The gospel shows a God far more holy than the legalist can bear, yet far more merciful than a humanist can conceive (Timothy Keller Quotes)
How does Satan accuse us? By causing us to look at our sin rather than our Savior (Timothy Keller Quotes)
Even if our own troubles are great, we should still serve. Jesus washed His disciples feet on the way to the cross (Timothy Keller Quotes)
I am accepted by God through the work of Jesus Christ - therefore I obey (Timothy Keller Quotes)
Religion poses a danger of creating division or intolerance between groups of people. However, the gospel of Jesus lead us to three things: humble service, reconciling behavior that is neither patronizing nor self-righteous, and a love toward people who hold different beliefs than we do (Timothy Keller Quotes)
Every other religion points to answers. Jesus, though, says ‘I am the answer’ (Timothy Keller Quotes)
The Gospel is news of what God has done to reach us. It is not advice about what we must do to reach God (Timothy Keller Quotes)
Christmas means Jesus came down and got involved in suffering. He hears your cries (Timothy Keller Quotes)
Our prayers should arise out of immersion in the Scripture. [We] speak only to the degree we are spoken to (Timothy Keller Quotes)
The Gospel is this: You’re more sinful, evil and weak than you’d ever believe. But you’re more valued, accepted and loved than you dared hope (Timothy Keller Quotes)
If you can’t show the difference between religion and the Gospel, people will confuse morality with a changed heart (Timothy Keller Quotes)
In the original language, ‘Fear the Lord’ doesn’t mean be afraid. It means sustaining a joyful, astonished awe, and wonder before Him (Timothy Keller Quotes)
We deserve to be forgotten because we forget Him. But because Jesus died on the cross, we will never, ever be forgotten by God (Timothy Keller Quotes)
When Jesus got the big questions, he didn’t present arguments. He presented himself (Timothy Keller Quotes)
If the church does not identify with the marginalized, it will itself be marginalized. This is God’s poetic justice (Timothy Keller Quotes)
When the world sees us doing evangelism, they just see us recruiting. When they see us doing justice, they see God’s glory (Timothy Keller Quotes)
Nothing we formulate or do can qualify us for access to God. Only grace can do that- based not on our performance but on the saving work of Christ (Timothy Keller Quotes)
If you’re a Christian how do you deal with stress without Jesus? You don’t (Timothy Keller Quotes)
We tend to see God as a means through which we get things to make us happy. For most of us, He has not become our happiness (Timothy Keller Quotes)
Religion says, ‘I obey; therefore I am accepted.’ Christianity says, ‘I’m accepted, therefore I obey (Timothy Keller Quotes)
Christians should not be optimists; we know too much about sin. We should also not be pessimists, for we know the living God (Timothy Keller Quotes)
We must have a strong inner life of fellowship and intimacy with Jesus if we are going to have a strong outer life of ministry (Timothy Keller Quotes)
Every religion has a prophet who is pointing people to God. Jesus is the only one who says, ‘I am God, and I am coming to find you.’ (Timothy Keller Quotes)
[T]he main problem in life is sin, and the only solution is God and his grace. The alternative to this view is to identify something besides sin as the main problem with the world and something besides God as the main remedy. That demonizes something that is not completely bad, and makes an idol out of something that cannot be the ultimate good (Timothy Keller Quotes)
In religion, you obey because God is useful. In Christianity, you obey because God is beautiful (Timothy Keller Quotes)
Big cities have a lot of ‘younger brothers’ who have left traditional parts of the world and their families for a more liberal lifestyle. But cities are filled to the gills with ‘elder brothers’ too (Timothy Keller Quotes)
How Religion Works: If I obey, then God will love and accept me. The Gospel: I’m loved and accepted, therefore I wish to obey (Timothy Keller Quotes)
Christ will do everything for you or nothing. He’s either all of your righteousness or none. (Timothy Keller Quotes)
Prayer is never just an emergency flare or desperate anxious gamble. God’s attention is not based on our performance but parental love. (Timothy Keller Quotes)