Tiny Quotes

Text Quotes
If you think they didn’t go crazy in tiny rooms just like you’re doing now without women without food without hope then you’re not ready (Tiny Quotes)
The splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of it’s scent nor the daisy of its simple charm. If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness (Tiny Quotes)
Some people need a red carpet rolled out in front of them in order to walk forward into friendship. They can’t see the tiny outstretched hands all around them, everywhere, like leaves on trees (Tiny Quotes)
What we see before us is just one tiny part of the world. We get in the habit of thinking, this is the world, but that’s not true at all. The real world is a much darker and deeper place than this, and much of it is occupied by jellyfish and things (Tiny Quotes)
I think the world is a series of broken dams and floods, and my cartoons are tiny little lifeboats (Tiny Quotes)
I lay there, stretched out, looking at the one star visible through the tiny window of the room. Only connect. How can you do that when the connections are broken? (Tiny Quotes)
And then the dreams break into a million tiny pieces. The dream dies. Which leaves you with a choice: you can settle for reality, or you can go off, like a fool, and dream another dream (Tiny Quotes)
What goes on inside is just too fast and huge and all interconnected for words to do more than barely sketch the outlines of at most one tiny little part of it at any given instant (Tiny Quotes)
Whenever you made a choice, especially one you’d been resisting, it always affected everything else, some in big ways, like a tremor beneath your feet, others in so tiny a shift you hardly noticed a change at all. But it was happening (Tiny Quotes)
Wonder is the heaviest element on the periodic table. Even a tiny fleck of it stops time (Tiny Quotes)
Who wants to recover? It took me years to get that tiny. I wasn’t sick; I was strong (Tiny Quotes)
There is something in the human spirit that will survive and prevail, there is a tiny and brilliant light burning in the heart of man that will not go out no matter how dark the world becomes (Tiny Quotes)
It was a smooth silvery voice that matched her hair. It had a tiny tinkle in it, like bells in a doll’s house. I thought that was silly as soon as I thought of it (Tiny Quotes)
Luckily, tiny texts me every five minutes or so. I don’t know how he does it without getting caught in class. maybe he hides the phone in the folds of his stomach or something (Tiny Quotes)
Sometimes all it takes is a tiny shift of perspective to see something familiar in a totally new light (Tiny Quotes)
Picture the moment when your mom and dad first saw you as something other than a pretty, tiny version of them. You as them, but improved. Better educated. Innocent. Then picture when you stopped being their dream (Tiny Quotes)
I had to nurture those doubts as if they were tiny, sickly kittens, until eventually they became sturdy, healthy grievances, with their own cat doors, which allowed them to wander in and out of our conversation at will (Tiny Quotes)
We look into each other’s eyes as we shake. His are still full of death and horror, but in them I see my face reflected, and inside my tiny eyes inside his, I think I see some hope (Tiny Quotes)
Hold summer in your hand, pour summer in a glass, a tiny glass of course, the smallest tingling sip, for children; change the season in your veins by raising glass to lip and tilting summer in (Tiny Quotes)
You must learn to heed your senses. Humans use but a tiny percentage of theirs. They barely look, they rarely listen, they never smell, and they think that they can only experience feelings through their skin. But they talk, oh, do they talk (Tiny Quotes)
For a certain kind of person, love begins from something tiny or silly. From something like that or it doesnt begin at all (Tiny Quotes)
It was as if someone had taken a tiny bead of pure life and decking it as lightly as possible with down and feathers, had set it dancing and zigzagging to show us the true nature of life (Tiny Quotes)
Please, I begged silently, please do not let my last moments on earth be me crammed into a tiny boat in the dark, surrounded by mechanical singing pirates (Tiny Quotes)
I had no more alphabet than the journeying of the swallows, the pure and tiny water of the small, fiery bird that dances rising from the pollen (Tiny Quotes)
A brilliant author or businesswoman or senator or software engineer is brilliant only in tiny bursts. The rest of the time, they’re doing work that most any trained person could do (Tiny Quotes)
The inspector ate only two of my tiny sandwiches: the first because he hadnt expected it to taste so awful; the second, I think, because hed thought surely the first must have been a mistake (Tiny Quotes)
Waves of thought are stirring. In a twilight corner of her consciousness, one tiny fragment and another tiny fragment call out wordlessly to eachother, their spreading ripples intermingling (Tiny Quotes)
Somewhere in the endless spinning of eternity that one, tiny, fraction of a second where our lips met is lost forever (Tiny Quotes)
For two hours I’d felt myself stretching tighter and tighter, like a rubber band pulled to the point of snapping. And now, I could feel the smaller, weaker part of myself beginning to fray, tiny bits giving way before the big break (Tiny Quotes)
Tiny: did someone die? me: yeah, I did. he smiles again at that. tiny: well, then... welcome to the afterlife (Tiny Quotes)