Tiny Quotes

Text Quotes
I love the idea of a tiny window between the back stoop and the pantry, where the milkman would pass through the cheese. But of course, there is no milkman anymore. So somebody coming by the house and seeing the window would say, ‘Oh, that must be original, because that’s where the milkman passed the cheese through to the pantry.’ (Tiny Quotes)
I spent my first 4 years living in the tiny town of Snug, by the sea near Hobart. Curious about animals, I would pick up ants in our backyard and jellyfish on the beach. (Tiny Quotes)
Only that, nothing more - a tiny beam of light to show some hidden aspect of reality, to help decipher and understand it and thus to initiate, if possible, a change in the conscience of some readers. (Tiny Quotes)
When faith did come, it came, I think, by way of my little paralyzed daughter. Her lifeless hands led me; I think her tiny feet still know beautiful paths. (Tiny Quotes)
A dear friend of my early childhood has worked as an anthropologist in Papua New Guinea for much of her life, and from the tiny island where her main work has been focused, she has brought me many funny and beautiful stories over the years. (Tiny Quotes)
I’m encouraging these women, like Cheryl Strayed, to take the jump to writing for the screen. She is adapting her book Tiny Beautiful Things for us. They’re infinitely capable of tackling the format. (Tiny Quotes)
Throw off your tiredness. Let me show you one tiny spot of the beauty that can’t be spoken. (Tiny Quotes)
I don’t have a fear of becoming a parent, but I do have a fear of taking care of a newborn because they are so tiny and vulnerable. (Tiny Quotes)
Most cynics are really crushed romantics: they’ve been hurt, they’re sensitive, and their cynicism is a shell that’s protecting this tiny, dear part in them that’s still alive. (Tiny Quotes)
Life on earth is such a good story you cannot afford to miss the beginning... Beneath our superficial differences we are all of us walking communities of bacteria. The world shimmers, a pointillist landscape made of tiny living beings. (Tiny Quotes)
At the very beginning, I was a page at Letterman, and I freelanced for any place that would let me write any word. I wanted to do this so badly. Then when I got a tiny bit of success, I was petrified that I was going to lose it. (Tiny Quotes)
Once you get over the culture shock, Filey is a pleasant spot, particularly at the beginning or end of the summer, when the hotels are half full. The brave go in winter, when the wind can be bitter and biting and Filey resumes its real life as a tiny, introverted fishing community. (Tiny Quotes)
Being a teenager is the worst thirty years of your life. Peer pressure, acne, final exams, seven little tiny hairs on your upper lip. Luckily, the girls never noticed your infantile moustache, ‘cos they were hyptonised by the fire engine sized zit on your forehead. (Tiny Quotes)
Self-publishing worked for me. Being able to put your work in print, even if it’s a tiny print-on-demand print run of a dozen or so copies, shows publishers and editors a completed piece of work and that you can follow through on a project. (Tiny Quotes)
And Israel, being a tiny, small country, of course has interest to strengthen - we have interest to strengthen our relations with other countries, mostly countries that were hostile for many, many years. (Tiny Quotes)
My comedy isn’t about being attractive - it’s about how the bar of dumb seems so low right now, and I desperately want to raise the bar of dumb just a tiny bit. (Tiny Quotes) life it is often the tiny details that end up being the most important. (Tiny Quotes)
There is no greater privilege in living than bringing a tiny new human being into the world and then trying to raise him or her properly during the next eighteen years. Doing that job right requires all the intelligence, wisdom, and determination you will be able to muster from day to day. (Tiny Quotes)
If we bought everything on the Internet, our eyes and mouths and nostrils would probably begin to film over with a tegument - one initially tissue-thin and capable of being removed each morning, but which gradually thickened and hardened until we were imprisoned in our own tiny minds. (Tiny Quotes)
The ‘old’ Internet is shrinking and being replaced by walled gardens over which Google’s crawlers can’t climb. Sure, Google can crawl Facebook’s ‘public pages,’ but those represent a tiny fraction of the ‘pages’ on Faceboo, and are not informed by the crucial signals of identity and relationship which give those pages meaning. (Tiny Quotes)
Being tall has a major impact in general. It takes some courage to be as big as you are - to live up to it and not be intimidated by the graceful tiny people. (Tiny Quotes)
When I was reading books for ‘Seesaw Girl,’ I came across several references to the fact that in the 11th and 12th centuries, Korean pottery was considered the finest in the world. I liked that - the idea of a little tiny country being the best at something. (Tiny Quotes)
It’s a reality that in this business there’s an expectation of being thin. But having a baby is a reality too, and it’s more important for me to make milk than to fit into those tiny pants. So that’s just going to have to wait. (Tiny Quotes)
My son Matthew’s beloved dog is a Jack Russell. His name is Buster. Matthew picked him as a puppy, when he was tiny himself. (Tiny Quotes)
Husbands make the best kinds of heroes. - Lisa JacobsonMarriage is a mosaic you build with your spouse. Millions of tiny moments that create your love story. (Tiny Quotes)
The best pictures differentiate themselves by nuances...a tiny relationship - either a harmony or a disharmony - that creates a picture. (Tiny Quotes)
The acting thing is so beyond my control. Acting isn’t mine. You’re like a tiny piece in this big, corporate mechanism that needs chemistry and divine intervention. (Tiny Quotes)
The homes I like the best are totally occupied, busy, and useful, whether it’s a tiny little house or a great big one. Rarely do you find a great big house that’s used in a good way. So I prefer smaller spaces that are full of books, full of things that people are doing. (Tiny Quotes)
I have found, whether you have a tiny business or a big business, if you don’t jump on something right away, it’s like a bird flying by-it flies off. (Tiny Quotes)
The Grand Old Party’s abiding affection for a ‘bigger and better’ presidency isn’t entirely logical. After all, the Obama presidency commenced with an effort to reenact the Hundred Days. Yet President Obama’s first-term economic performance itself was not ‘big’ but mediocre - tiny, even. (Tiny Quotes)