To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe
To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe
Marilyn vos Savant is a well-known American author and columnist who is widely recognized for having one of the highest recorded IQ scores in the world. Her intelligence and wisdom have made her a respected figure in the fields of mathematics, philosophy, and logic. Throughout her career, vos Savant has emphasized the importance of both studying and observing in order to acquire knowledge and wisdom.The quote, “To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe,” perfectly encapsulates vos Savant’s approach to learning and understanding the world around us. While studying is essential for gaining knowledge, it is through observation that we are able to truly internalize and apply that knowledge in a meaningful way. Vos Savant believes that wisdom is not simply about knowing facts and information, but about understanding how to navigate the complexities of life and make sound decisions.