To believe in God is impossible, not to believe in Him is absurd

To believe in God is impossible, not to believe in Him is absurd
The statement "To believe in God is impossible, not to believe in Him is absurd" is a thought-provoking and controversial one, especially when viewed through the lens of absurdism. Absurdism is a philosophical concept that explores the inherent meaninglessness and irrationality of the universe, and questions the human tendency to seek meaning and purpose in a seemingly chaotic world.From an absurd perspective, the idea of believing in a higher power like God can indeed seem impossible. Absurdism posits that the universe is indifferent to human existence, and that any attempts to find meaning or purpose in life are ultimately futile. In this light, the concept of a divine being who governs the universe and provides meaning to human existence may appear as a comforting illusion, a way for individuals to cope with the inherent absurdity of existence.
On the other hand, the statement also suggests that not believing in God is absurd. This perspective challenges the notion that atheism or agnosticism is a rational response to the absurdity of the universe. It implies that rejecting the idea of a higher power is just as irrational as believing in one, as both positions rely on faith and speculation rather than empirical evidence.