To Encourage Quotes
Text Quotes
I have been constantly telling people to encourage people, to question the unquestioned and not to be ashamed to bring up new ideas, new processes to get things done (To Encourage Quotes)
One the one hand, our economists treat human beings as rational actors making choices to maximize their own economic benefit. On the other hand, the same companies that hire those economists also pay for advertising campaigns that use the raw materials of myth and magic to encourage people to act against their own best interests, whether it’s a matter of buying overpriced fizzy sugar water or the much more serious matter of continuing to support the unthinking pursuit of business as usual in the teeth of approaching disaster (To Encourage Quotes)
Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The governance framework is there to encourage the efficient use of resources and equally to require accountability for the stewardship of those resources. The aim is to align as nearly as possible the interests of individuals, corporations and society (To Encourage Quotes)
I really just want to encourage and inspire people to use their freedom in a positive way and in a way that is inspiring to other people. I want to continue to pass down the seeds of change within the world. I think that it can start with just one person. Just like a rumor can get carried on, so can inspiration (To Encourage Quotes)
I hope to encourage more children to discover and love reading, but I want to focus particularly on the appreciation of picture books…. Picture books are for everybody at any age, not books to be left behind as we grow older. The best ones leave a tantalising gap between the pictures and the words, a gap that is filled by the reader’s imagination, adding so much to the excitement of reading a book (To Encourage Quotes)
Awareness is learning to keep yourself company. And then learn to be more compassionate company, as if you were somebody you are fond of and wish to encourage (To Encourage Quotes)
Each and every one of us has the capacity to be an oppressor. I want to encourage each and everyone of us to interrogate how we might be an oppressor and how we might be able to become liberators for ourselves and for each other (To Encourage Quotes)
So my son is very curious, which is fantastic. He loves school. So I don’t have to encourage him too much, but I love to do it because I know it’s meaningful and words are powerful (To Encourage Quotes)
The care leadership strategy is simple: be a model. Commit yourself to your own personal mastery. Talking about personal mastery may open people’s minds somewhat, but actions always speak louder than words. There is nothing more powerful you can do to encourage others in their quest for personal mastery than to be serious in your own quest (To Encourage Quotes)
The place of cycling in our society is set to grow, and I am committed to doing everything possible to encourage that (To Encourage Quotes)
Creativity arises from a constant churn of ideas, and one of the easiest ways to encourage that fertile froth is to keep your mind engaged with your project. When you work regularly, inspiration strikes regularly (To Encourage Quotes)
We want to encourage people. You are not just another kid in the youth group or the lady on the third row. God has a purpose for every life (To Encourage Quotes)
I do have strong convictions and political opinions, but I don’t think it’s necessary to imbue my photographic work with them. I use photography as a vessel for visual material to flow through, to encourage conversation with the viewer. I try to present a catalyst and invite viewers to tell their own stories (To Encourage Quotes)
Across the board, it’s infinitely more effective to praise actions that you want to encourage than to punish those you disapprove of (To Encourage Quotes)
Presidents should do whatever possible and practical to encourage an environment of cooperation and bipartisanship. And they should maintain a certain level of decorum, diplomacy and decency. But, at the end of the day, presidents get elected to enact change (To Encourage Quotes)
And also, I know I have this responsibility or mission to show people, to encourage them to live their dream, too (To Encourage Quotes)
The world needs a better understanding of how to encourage innovation. And innovators need to get better at it. Sign me up (To Encourage Quotes)
I don’t think I have ever tried to create things to encourage people to hurt others, or themselves (To Encourage Quotes)
A parent’s job is to encourage kids to develop a joy for life and a great urge to follow their own dreams. The best we can do is to help thm develop a personal set of tools for the task (To Encourage Quotes)
Surface is a modernist concept. What surface does is to encourage one to see the painting as object rather than as a window on the world (To Encourage Quotes)
The great lawyer who employs his talent and his learning in the highly emunerative task of enabling a very wealthy client to override or circumvent the law is doing all that in him lies to encourage the growth in the country of a spirit of dumb anger against all laws and of disbelief in their efficacy (To Encourage Quotes)
What is it that turns people into artists? It often comes from some kind of pain or angst, a need to understand or express something. It very rarely comes from confidence, being raised by parents who want to hear what you have to say and wants to encourage you (To Encourage Quotes)
I want to encourage public interest in space. I have never let my condition stop me. You only live once (To Encourage Quotes)
I’m a poor kid from the streets. What I’ve been able to achieve has really just been through hard work and not letting anyone tell me that I couldn’t do something. I always try to encourage people to just pursue your dreams (To Encourage Quotes)
As with nearly all proposed development standards, the goal is to encourage efficient land use, flexibility and a wide variety of housing types while reducing the potential for negative impacts (To Encourage Quotes)
I think the job of writing and literature is to encourage each one of us to believe that we’re living in a story (To Encourage Quotes)
I don’t know if I feel a responsibility to encourage women, I just do! Yes, I think all of us chicks should be inspired and create! In whatever way that inspiration comes, we should shine! Honestly, I feel the same way about men (To Encourage Quotes)
Like any parent, I just want the best for my kids, whatever they decide to do. They will choose what path they want to follow, and we will always be there to encourage them (To Encourage Quotes)
I want to encourage people to not think in terms of gifts, but think in terms of, wow. You work hard to succeed at that, because that’s exactly what I do (To Encourage Quotes)
You can’t just give someone a creativity injection. You have to create an environment for curiosity and a way to encourage people and get the best out of them (To Encourage Quotes)