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To Go Quotes

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Once you wake up and smell the coffee, it’s hard to go back to sleep  (To Go Quotes) If ants are such busy workers, how come they find time to go to all the picnics?  (To Go Quotes) I’ve always been more inclined to go out to work than carry on with academic studies  (To Go Quotes) When the judges shall be obliged to go armed, it will be time for the courts to be closed  (To Go Quotes) I don’t plan a career. That doesn’t work for me. I just have to go with my gut  (To Go Quotes) Once you start, there is no end to who is to go in and who is to be left out  (To Go Quotes) The further forward we go, the further back we have to explore in order to go forward again  (To Go Quotes) The stadium expansion is currently at the feasibility stage and has to go through that  (To Go Quotes) Infrastructure creates the form of a city and enables life to go on in a city, in a certain way  (To Go Quotes) I like to go into a little shell and be a hermit and make music for a while  (To Go Quotes) Rowing provided a place to go, a community where people cared about what I did and what I achieved  (To Go Quotes) That made me feel good, not to go to a resort where outside the door is extreme poverty  (To Go Quotes) The only legitimate right to govern is an express grant of power from the governed  (To Go Quotes) You can imagine the kind of dinner parties I had to go to at a young age... pretty dull  (To Go Quotes) The loss just made me hungry; it made me want to go out and win another title  (To Go Quotes) Not all of our work is dark, but when we are working on a dark project, we really tend to go there  (To Go Quotes) We are not supposed to go out and kill all those we suspect to have committed a crime  (To Go Quotes) No matter what kind of day I’ve had at school, I always look forward to golf  (To Go Quotes) I don’t have to go around trying to save everybody anymore; that’s not my job  (To Go Quotes) It’s a hard process to navigate... to figure out where your kid ought to go to college  (To Go Quotes) Now, it’s almost impossible to go out and do a film about a new form of music  (To Go Quotes) I wasn’t out drinking and abusing my body. I simply loved to go out and dance  (To Go Quotes) In 1942, everyone was ready to go and fight for the good guys. It was so simple  (To Go Quotes) So I’m going to go on and work on preserving the ozone layer, encouraging everyone to recycle  (To Go Quotes) I watch a lot of professional skating, and I am really looking forward to going to nationals  (To Go Quotes) I was going to be lynched. I had to go into hiding in the mountains for two weeks  (To Go Quotes) Labor is the true alchemist that beats out in patient transmutation the baser metals into gold  (To Go Quotes) It’s my nature to go around in high spirits most of the time and then to collapse  (To Go Quotes) I think if I were to go back on stage I might be in great danger of acting  (To Go Quotes) Young entrepreneurs should spend an awful lot of time thinking about what they want to go into  (To Go Quotes)
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