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Because you don’t live near a bakery doesn’t mean you have to go without cheesecake  (To Go Quotes) To govern is to choose. To appear to be unable to choose is to appear to be unable to govern  (To Go Quotes) I study more of truth and enlightening. I had to go the next level to talk about life  (To Go Quotes) It was the worst moment of my life. The producer came up and talked me back into going on stage  (To Go Quotes) The greatest luxury is being able to go to movies and plays now and then in the afternoons  (To Go Quotes) When your arm gets hit, the ball is not going to go where you want it to  (To Go Quotes) I wanted to learn a few foreign languages, and therefore I had to go abroad  (To Go Quotes) What I wanted to hear didn’t exist, so it was necessary for me to go out and create it  (To Go Quotes) How happy I am to go to the front at last. To do my bit. To prove with my life what I think I feel  (To Go Quotes) That’s the era we grew up in. It’s weak to go to a psychiatrist  (To Go Quotes) I will be very grateful that I get to go out and play a song and get well paid for it  (To Go Quotes) I’m already a tiny person, so now I’m trying to go to the gym to add muscle. I need it!  (To Go Quotes) There will always be someone being picked on at school, and it’s not going to go away  (To Go Quotes) I love summer. Because it means I can wear a bikini top and shorts, even just to go shopping  (To Go Quotes) I’m going to go back and find out where the money is. The money is not getting down there  (To Go Quotes) The greatest justice in life is that your vision and looks tend to go simultaneously  (To Go Quotes) Like everybody else, when I don’t know what else to do, I seem to go in for catching colds  (To Go Quotes) Life is like eating artichokes; you have got to go through so much to get so little  (To Go Quotes) When I got old enough to go to night clubs to hear that music at the age of 15  (To Go Quotes) I took pain pills to get to sleep because I didn’t want to go to work the next day exhausted  (To Go Quotes) I’ve been willing to go for years without publishing. That’s been my career  (To Go Quotes) Who is fit to govern others? He who governs himself. You might as well have said: nobody  (To Go Quotes) Try to think where you want to put the ball, not where you don’t want it to go  (To Go Quotes) It will all go on as long as women are stupid enough to go on bringing men into the world  (To Go Quotes) Being nice to governments doesn’t work, they are such lying bastards  (To Go Quotes) I loved learning, it was school I hated. I used to cut school to go learn something  (To Go Quotes) It’s weak and despicable to go on wanting things and not trying to get them  (To Go Quotes) It is to be doubted whether he will ever find the way to heaven who desires to go thither alone  (To Go Quotes) I like to go and do something adventurous. I like to go out and do some sort of crazy activity  (To Go Quotes) I always loved movies and the cinema; we always used to go to see films as a family  (To Go Quotes)
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